Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Rise In the Tide

"The president of the United States has been breaking the law repeatedly and insistently," [Former vice president Al] Gore said in a speech at Constitution Hall in Washington. "A president who breaks the law is a threat to the very structure of our government."

I have the full transcript.

Fundamentally, we have something here to talk about. It falters in the scope of what this administration continues to preen about. The question is unsettling because we want to believe we are in a state of war, but we are in a state of terror. To stay with the gory aspect, Gore Vidal said in the Lincoln documentary on the History Channel that the war on terror is a simple metaphor that is meaningless, he said, it is as effective as “a war on dandruff”. This would be amusing if people were not dying because of it.

The debate has opened and I for one am glad to hear ole Al speak his mind. I don’t care if he gets a little windy at times; I’ve always liked the dude. It is a shame that people didn’t appreciate the type of man that he is. Dedicated, loyal and competent. I have heard people say, what if he had been President during 9/11? I wish he had, has been my response. His agenda would have had character and would not have had the amateur overreach that we are left with now. Do you think you would be paying $2.25 a gallon for fuel?

George W. Bush did break the law. He did mislead the American public into supporting a dirty war. He did let Osama bin Laden escape. He has allowed profit to supersede the welfare of the American common wealth. He is supported by a corrupt regime. He has killed almost as many Iraqis as Saddam Hussein. I don’t believe he cares either. I don’t believe that the latter is a concern to the majority of Americans. The philosophy of Jesus is only important when a particular crucifixion is due. Compassion seems to have value when it is right in front of our face, glaring, blaring and unabashed.

If it is possible that a higher power is watching, I shudder to think.

Aside from all this, I still have an aching concern for New Orleans and the surrounding areas. I am compelled to visit, to see it for myself. I hope to be able to take a weekend and take the trip. I encourage everyone to do so. It was more devastating than 9/11 and it should be on our conscience as much or more. But that ain’t America.

We say lest we forget about a lot of things. So much creates such a passion in this country. Gay Marriage, Pro-Choice are the worst domestic fears, but the abandonment of hundreds of thousands of people is par for the course. We seem to be able to forgive George W. Bush of so many things. The failure of domestic preparedness seems to be the greatest. The failure of domestic quality of life, nobody cares. We spent a lot of time talking about how it wasn’t about race, but the proof is in the package. If it wasn’t where are those minorities now? Who is taking over the town now? This is how we forget, because it is far too uncomfortable to talk about. I only got to watch part of that Lincoln documentary, but I thought to myself, what a contrast.

We condemned the victims of the Hurricane Katrina tragedy for poverty. We condemn the victims of the Iraq war as ignorant of civilization. We threw the flag over 9/11. The same people kept vigil for a brain dead woman trying to force an ideology that was against her wishes. In the meantime in the name of American Ideals we are going to form a coalition of hate in the Middle East. We are the walking, talking seven deadly sins and we are proud.

It matters little because these are places most people never go. Only a minority of people have been to New Orleans and understands the value of its people. Only a minority of people have been to New York City and understand the World Trade Center. Almost no one will go to Iraq for any reason what so ever. So really, who cares? The guys who leave America with the bill never have to worry about anything except being fat and happy.

This is an opinion on New Orleans and New Orleans Catholic girls

So there is Iran.

Here is a military exit strategy.

Sleep tight America


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