If you have seen the movie Memories of Me staring Billy Crystal, you will know what the title means. As described: that is the background noise used for a crowded room full of people saying almost nothing of value. But as I have mentioned in previous posts, I want to instruct as well as back up anything that I may have to say. So: To murmur.
Let’s get down to business.
This may be philosophical and as Kevin Spacey said in Swimming With Sharks, I may be moving in a circular motion…
Sisyphus has been watching the Bush Administration with earnest for a long time. I must admit, I had believed that this occasion was inevitable. Sooner or later, we would be looking backward and realizing that we allowed something to happen that we should have known better. Such is life.
On Saturday I was driving into town and was listening to the radio and there was an interview with Cokie Roberts. She was speaking on the record about a recent visit to her hometown
This is no allusion. This is no conspiracy theory. This is not a not a nursery rhyme or a children’s story. This has been considered by and far a disaster by everyone as well as one of the motivating factors that Stansfield and I discussed when starting this blog. I have a very good link to the story that was published by the
It had been well understood the consequences of not getting the needed repair. Contrary to this report, the Bush Administration cut the budget and provided $0.06 for every $1.00 that was requested by the state of
There are countless reports speaking about how hard it was to get the attention of the administration as the days stretched out and the people suffered. Although, Georgie boy does not happen to have a so called hurricane machine, he does have authorizing power to make sure the proper measures are taken to achieve a safe environment for Americans who come into harms way whether that be by choice or circumstance. I find him to have to be accountable for the survivors to be found and reunited with their families. I find him to be accountable to the people who lost a beloved and historic city. Yes, I stand by that number. My suggestion is look it up and tell me how many people are dead and/or missing in
People who join the military take an oath to defend this Nation or any other nation that we deem to protect. Those folks voluntarily apply; pass physical and mental tests to see if they are capable to effectively complete the tasks of warfare. They serve nobly and with great honor. General George S. Patton also stated, “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country, He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country.”
I have a link to 51 misleading statements by the administration. This on its own will be played out in the press. I can not conceive of the idea that because people choose to join the military that means they deserve to die for misjudgments or improper qualifiers. Remember, that this is a war that was by choice. Osama Bin Laden did not work in cohesion with
Also, I have the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 for perusal. I didn’t see anything about launching a war. It is considered fact that when Bill Clinton bombed
As well, it was this administration that before the attacks in
What we started in 1990 would have been much more compelling of an argument for the change in regime then. I have no interest in debating the validity of Saddam Hussein. When he used VX on his own people in the 1980s did we stop doing business with him? In fact, we never did stop doing business with him until we started dropping bombs on
Also, since we are staying in the facts and it is a stupid thing to debate, yet, I find it appalling that it was even used in an a disagreement, but the term millions was used. I don’t feel that one is more important than two. Seriously, get some accurate information. Only a few nations have the highlight on their resume for killing millions of people,
The greatest number considered that I have been able to find is in the tens of thousands of victims that Hussein killed with VX. The sad and considerable fact is that we have done that much in the cause of liberation. Unfortunately, if any good comes from this battle of ideas, our damage will have a more lasting resonance. What happens by the hands of ones own country seems to be forgotten much easier. As it has been declared in the comment, the dead and missing from the hurricanes have little value. The minorities of this country know first hand about the consequence of the fight for freedom.
I must also remind those who are questioning the reasons of going to war. IF WMD was an end all, as some people declared. The UN inspection teams were unable to find any evidence while they were searching in the run up to the war. Bill Clinton did indeed declare that Hussein posed a threat to other nations in the area. He spoke that we might be considered a target. When he did bomb
I am still baffled at the claim that the Lewinski trial had anything to do with the 3500 people who lost their lives on
I am concerned that information related to the military clandestine group called Able Danger had information that was ignored. I find it difficult to see any appearance of action related to information given to Bush in the lead up to the events of that day. I find it difficult to understand why he invited the Taliban to the
I can not say that Bush knew it was going to happen. I do know that he had information that something was indeed going to happen. I have seen no evidence as to what he did to prepare for or protect from the occasion. These are unanswered questions that the administration has refused to allow anyone to investigate. There may be only one reason why.
In concluding that, I believe that he can be held accountable for those people perishing. It did happen on his watch. Unless of course
So, to reiterate. No- I am not kidding. I am only paying attention. I am sure you will know what to do with the so called sand my head was in….
Here are some other important details….
They are still coming up with information down at Mac Dill.
This is a short history on torture; listen up Cheney, good ideas…
This is a current WMD report.
This is what
Here is some fall out and support for the war.
Information and statements from Rep. Murtha. What is the continued mission accomplishing?
A good opinion from the Post.
I was out scooped on this by Dan Froomkin, Damn you Froomkin!!! I thought I had something.
Good night and Good Luck.
OSU 21
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