Wednesday, October 26, 2005

No One I think is in my Tree

I’m gonna put out an APB on Stansfield!! Where is the old boy? Has anybody seen him?

I hope I haven’t driven him away with my rowdy behavior here. We must make an appeal to him and tell him we need his counter weight!!


make up your best Brando voice for that by the way….

He may be waiting for the indictments to come down and share in my grief that the cynics or the apologists will win this one. I gave a surly warning when the Repubs got complete control. I said what everybody says to me, “Don’t Screw It Up!”

Tha’s a question to ask of yourselves if you think they have. The questions are large and have gravity. Conspirators will deepen all the motives and we will live with the consequences. But Exxon/Mobil I think is going to report $8 Billion and change for profit. The largest profit ever recorded for a company. Whew! I was worried they weren’t gonna make their quota. Yet, here we are. I just look forward to my liquid propane bill this winter. I want to help the old boys out.

It is tremendous that the possibilities that lay behind tested walls this week could develop into a big thud. That is true. What remains from that echo if it be? Perhaps nothing more than a few white lies come from this. Nietzsche said that lying is belief in a good cause. If that is the case; So Be It? Ah, Bill, what would you say?

The profundity of the lie will remain like that fabled mushroom cloud of yore. I think in a sublime sense it will. The public will take to the comments and will be forgiving, but as Georgie boy so eloquently put, “fool me once, shame on me… fool me twice, shame on you.” Yeah, that’s how it goes George. It’s the steadfast relationship with the public that matters when you are interested in taking a chance on something new. That political capital, as it were, I think will be spent and disabled. Sure, Karl Rove will survive with a brand new honor. Scooter Libby will probably be the worst casualty. But does that explain over 2000 American servicemen? Does that undo the tens of thousand civilians that have perished? Does that undo, Bin Laden resting comfortably in Saudi Arabia? I do not believe it does, but I am willing to see some results.

A ratification of a Constitution; that is a positive step. It even seems real on the surface. The public of Iraq needs something to hang its hat on. I commend the folks for pulling it through. I can only hope it eases the call for civil war. I hope it puts the insurgency on notice as well. We need to start gaining the trust of the public for it to survive. I question our tenacity in that.

I have a few links that have information that clarifies what the establishment is thinking.

I also have a lest we forget segment for the other reasons we are there.

So, Stansfield, wherefore art thou Stansfield? What light thru yonder window breaks?

Please, take a look into these links. And Mr. Director of the CIA if you are indeed reading, leave an obscene comment.

Lest we forget.





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