Friday, October 21, 2005

Pull my daisy

Soon the American people will be able to find out who’s been pulling their daisy and who has been at the helm.

The important part is to view what was up before Nixon II Enemy’s list started. Georgie boy had himself a bunch of people with an agenda. The Project for the New American Century has long been considered the coming of destiny for the Neocons rite of passage.

The difficult part for me is that it still seems hard to believe for folks that these people are really as sinister as they are. We haven’t even hit the proverbial iceberg. Please I implore you to peruse the document Rebuilding America’s Defenses and try to keep in mind that this was written years before 9/11. If you look and see who was involved and if you can remember what you saw immediately after 9/11 you will remember R. James Woolsey was front and center claiming that Iraq was involved in the disaster. It started within hours.

We’ve been made to forget what was at stake before all this. Do you remember that the State Department was trying to get the sanctions lifted from Iraq so we could get more oil out of them, just a few months before 9/11? I don’t believe this is about oil, I do not enjoy even saying that, and decline it in most arguments, because there were easier ways to get the oil out of there. Tha’s why some other guys from Coastal Oil have been arrested this week as well for the Oil For Food Program.

I bring up the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) because I believe it is central to the indictments that will be happening soon. I believe that I. Lewis Libby is a snake in the grass. On most bios of him they do not speak of his involvement with President Clinton, although he was in the swamp during the Lewinsky matter. As well, I do not see Karl Rove to have acted without consent of the President. Unless, we are so callous now to believe that he is a puppet. I have to decline that optimistic view and give Georgie boy the benefit of the doubt. I bring up the PNAC because Libby is going to fall on his sword to protect the administration. Perhaps the administration is willing to give up Rove to salvage the agenda. Will you be surprised when someone else from those pages steps up to fill the positions?

I lay it out here. This has always been more than smoke and mirrors. This has been a coup against the general public. I would even recommend a book by Christopher Lasch. It is easy to overlook it because it is somewhat dated, but worth the consideration. We have come to accept a seriously poor reasoning for the way things are. We allow the lines to be redrawn. We accept terms like energy crisis – that was manufactured in California a few years ago and it preparing to undo us today. We accept terms like eminent danger – when the focus of the matter is probably sitting safely at his father’s home in Saudi Arabia. It stared us in the face when we decided that oral sex and real estate where the same thing. We turned away when catastrophic disease and drug warring crossed our boarders in the pursuit of keeping Central America Commie free as we sold arms to a sworn enemy.

Hopefully the party is now over, after Fruity Newty was going to punish the needy; after Georgie boy dissected the school system; after Big Time Dick convinced the shaky that Iraq was going to blow up the Wal-Mart’s… Now after Nixon II Enemy’s list has come to a head… hopefully now someone will pull their head out of their butt and bring back common sense! There are nearly two thousand corpses coming home. There needs to be some explaining. We need to make sure that Libby and Rove do not receive payola but something to distinguish him as a treasonous. As well, we need to pull the curtains back once and for all on the double speak and group think that the public has allowed itself to get gelled in. It might not be a bad thing to get a little overly sensitive or to make a little hay with the doubt felt.

What I ask and hope someone can find out is what does Libby have to gain by taking a dive? What do we have to gain by accepting the patsy? If we forget about the monumental schizophrenia of the cabal what do we have to lose? Better yet, think about this… how much do you owe now? How much are you willing to lose? How much more can you offer to this kind of deception? Are you willing to go all in on the bet that these guys are going to help after they screw it up? When is the last time you were out of work for more than a few weeks or a month or better? How do you think you would fare? Are you getting as much back as you are putting in? So far the most affected have been the most marginalized; how long will that last before it starts creeping in to the suburbs? Are you willing to have it in your backyard?

These are serious questions that I hope can be taken to heart and not just side stepped because I mentioned Iraq and oil. It really has nothing to do with it. It’s just the reference point that helps us ignore the silence behind the closed doors. What goes on behind closed doors at times is nobody’s business unless it is America’s business. That business is in our best interest to find out.


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