Saturday, October 01, 2005

Ain't That America

The Government Accountiblity Office has told the Bush Adminstration that it's not nice to fool Mother Nature. In more ways than one, Mother Nature has been inching closer to forming a concerted effort to undo the mystique surrounding the efforts of the adminstration. Apparently covert propaganda is not only something we have to be protected from Terrorists; it seems that the Bush Administration should not push that poison on the American people either.

Let me see, do you think they do this with malice or the administration just seems to have no self control? Before we had Judith Miller getting out of jail. There were some disputed words about justifying the war in Iraq. Those words took on an infamy of those sixteen words. We were made to believe that it was just overlooked by the CIA at the time. Most people gave that a pass. Joe Wilson puts out an Op-Ed in the NY Times, then bam, we find out it was because of his noisy wife the CIA undercover operative. Well, we were not suppose to find that out, but did anyway, because well, darn, she has a desk job and has not been undercover-undercover really in a long long time. And what about that tax cut of trillions of dollars? What were we told about all of that?

But, the information we were given about the WMD did not turn out to be true. Valerie Plame seemed to be the first casualty before any shots were fired. Today it was announced that five more were killed from small farming communities in north east Pennsylvania. We have a small version of the Korean War going on in Afganistan that most people do not consider when it comes to topics about the war. But what is being left out there as well? Did we stop the hunt on Osama? Are we helplessly drifting along in some surreal state believing anything that we see or hear? Is there a question? Is this for real? Are we complacent enough to accept the energy crisis as something that will get better eventually, that we are doing this for the greater good of the world? Who is being helped? Are we enabling a situation much like a spouse enables a alcoholic or abuse? Do we agree with the war because the folks who run the peace movement are still holding on to an old war and can not find credible points to argue with now? We can not cut and run. We can not stand pat. But these guys have filled our heads with so much crap, that I do not see how anyone considers them credible anymore.

They said they could not see Osama coming. They said they could not see the levees breaking and the flooding of New Orleans coming. They said they could not see the insurgency in Iraq coming. Who knew there were no WMD? We said the UN did not say there were no WMD in Iraq. They say they could not see Osama leaving Afganistan coming. They say they could not see the flu vaccine issue last year coming. They say that there is nothing we can do about gas prices, did not see that coming. They say that China buying up all of our debt, not a bad thing. They say that the deficit is a good thing. They said they would not comment during the Enron scandal except to say that some in their family got screwed as well. In the mean time the states economic systems are pushed to the limit. How long before interest rates begin to climb again? How long before the dollar takes a nose dive? Wow, I am pessimistic, for real, but I have not seen this country in this state of affairs in such a long time and no one seems to care. Remember how crazy Al Gore seemed back in 2000 when he spoke of the type of language that Bush was using? Really, who is this guy George W. Bush and why is he driving us ninety miles an hour down a one way street? When do we really get that sucker punch gasping for air sensibility back to our system?

And really, what the hell was Bill Bennett thinking? Personally- I have always thought the guy to be a wanker. He was the biggest jerk on TV during the Clinton Administration. This is not the first time he has brilliantly pontificated. He did wonders for education during the Reagan Administration, yes Bill, I am one of the lucky! Stansfield posted it well the other day. I think everyone should read it and comment to him. As one of my old friends was found of saying about one of our co-workers, his old man should have jerked off and let it fly out the window. If that happened perhaps bigotry would be cut in half. It is purely hypothetical musings though Bill. I am waiting for the old Republican stand by, "I know Bill Bennett and he's a heck of a guy. I don't know why everyone is picking on him". Of course in light of New Orleans the Bush Adminsitration had to take a step back.

Well, Sisyphus sees that the appearence of the state of affairs is a bit murky, but I believe that somewhere along the lines Mother Nature will use her forces for the greater good. Perhaps we will find that magic ticket that grants us full access out of the dim lit rooms that run across the landscape of American heritage. That we will realize that being American comes with responsibilities that need to be aired out the moth balls when our leaders lack the vision and the courage to right the ship during the storms.


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