Saturday, September 24, 2005

Sisyphus is temporarily back from the road. While putting my mind at ease, so to speak, for it wasn’t all fun and games. [I have my complaints for Delta]. I come back to a world that is ill at ease with many themes.

I have heard that gas prices are going to be over $5.00 a gallon after Rita. Our esteemed leader wanted to go to Texas before the flood. Saudi has said that Iraq is disintegrating; Bush and the Reservoir Dogs got up on stage to say that turning back now would be a victory for the Terrorists and perhaps the folks who perceive sovereignty of their own nation may have to do with the US leaving. Stansfield brought up an interesting topic in REAL ID. Hmmm, what else? The people of New Orleans and the mayor are trying not to get raped by the Government cronyism. There is a large anti war protest setting its stage in front of the Whitehouse. Where do I start?

My intention was to talk first about the protests. “You say you want a Revolution, well ya know” My personal feeling is why don’t we try to do something right before we start looking at knee jerk reactionary ideology. Like creating a Hurricane Czar?! I find myself with queer feelings after agreeing with Darth Vader on that one. But! We haven’t done a bit of good there. Were we supposed to? I forget the original rationality for going into a country that we had possession of what 60% before we got in? A country that was producing as much oil as before the Gulf War I [look it up at the CIA]. We had to get ole what’s his name before he teased us again into thinking he would be a happy Castro. Why would we want that? Did he have the scruples to be dealt with? Hard to say. I will not go through that litany of issues that have and had not happened. But it seems to me, if this was a war, we would start treating it like one. What are the offensives that we take on except occasional police stings? We turn over a cache or two and it sits on A17. I would think some type of martial law in the city and forcing the extremist into the desert and fight the war we can fight. I’ve been getting DoD notices of the announced dead for a long time. It’s still at the rate it has been through the entirety since we captured Baghdad. We’ve been huddled and being sitting ducks for over a year. I say, build a safe city for the good folks of Baghdad. Set it up with an Iraqi police and a small government. Show them how American protection works. Start to ferrat out the insurgents who penetrate one by one. We need to protect the innocents! We kill too many good people in route to one bad. Do our planes even fly? We don’t hear enough of good reporting from either the Government or the MSM. MSM, I am sorry that you feel that you are obligated to the rules of a makeshift reality TV. You invented reality TV. Go to the top of the mountain and come back with the epiphany!! We depend on you to not be shoddy and to have the balls to get to the full story.

I plan and hope to keep an eye on the development in New Orleans. I love that town to much to watch it turn into a Utopian Conservative Grandstand. School vouchers? What? I read earlier this week Slate editor was supporting letting the government have its way to prove that it can not work. Sure, let’s continue to stand by and say nothing. Perhaps the biggest sin of the American public will be the silent bystanders. Are we that frightened to speak our minds? Why don’t we just let gas prices go up to $10s a gallon just so we can prove that drilling in Alaska wildlife preserves is just silly? I forget the bonehead who was on FOX News supporting a gas tax to help out New Orleans. I was out of town and not prepared for the obtuseness of the comment. I just got teary eyed for Ross Perot.

For gasoline, I suggest people start looking into what is on the API [American Petroleum Institue] website. Look at how many refineries we have had and lost in the last few years. They openly complain about environmental restrictions. Well, pretty soon they will be gone. Just like paying a fair wage to the workers of New Orleans and credible oversight as to what we will kill to pay for it. As well investigate the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. See if you can make any sense out of it. Take a peek at how Enron-omics works on the continental level.

The poor will pay for the poor and the tax breaks will keep on coming. That’s just my silly prediction. Don’t believe me? Okay everyone prepare for Starbucks to replace Café Du Monde in Jackson Square!

So far a lot of this is opining without back up. I will provide that as we move along and those who dare make comments. I’m just a silly long hair with a 1980s Floridian High School education. I’ll be an easy target. But I’m willing to fight. Some of my suggestions for the future are getting rid of the Department of Homeland Security spending more time and effort on empowerment zones, quit screwing around with educational systems and fix the one we have [could it become the best public school system in the world?]. Create an all out War on Oil Terrorist. As well I support a recall effort for every Bush in office, no no Jebby, I haven’t forgotten about you, you Confederate! This and having a responsible fight against Extremisms of all kinds.

Let’s protect Americans instead of simply our interests, because our interests are really in our families and a freedom that resembles a good neighbor.


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