Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sisyphus loves Sunday. I love it for the influx of information that pools and eddies and gives me something to yell at Harley about. He won’t make coffee but he sure does dig politics.

I’m not going to rant and rave but I am going to call out Tim Russert of Meet the Press. I’ve been watching him the last few years. I haven’t always liked the Teddy Bear approach to things. Somewhere along the lines during the Clinton turmoil, he emerged to me as slightly reasoned, or at least, everyone else just seemed, I don’t know: painful?

Russert spoke today with Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard. If you saw the show a few weeks ago, this interview was painful and thrilling all in one. Russert spoke to Broussard about Thomas Rodrigue, the Jefferson Parish emergency services director. Broussard bitterly complained weeks ago about the fact that through all the chaos, Rodrigue couldn’t save his mother. Russert decided to call him out on some of the details of Broussard’s exceptional emotional out pouring. Every time I see it, I find it emotionally compelling. Russert didn’t let him know what was coming. Taken totally off the mark I will paste in Broussard’s response.

From the Meet the Press transcript:

Mr. Broussard: Listen, sir, somebody wants to nitpick a man's tragic loss of a mother because she was abandoned in a nursing home? Are you kidding? What kind of sick mind, what kind of black-hearted people want to nitpick a man's mother's death? They just buried Eva last week. I was there at the wake. Are you kidding me? That wasn't a box of Cheerios they buried last week. That was a man's mother whose story, if it is entirely broadcast, will be the epitome of abandonment. It will be the saddest tale you ever heard, a man who was responsible for safekeeping of a half a million people, mother's died in the next parish because she was abandoned there and he can't get to her and he tried to get to her through EOC. He tried to get through the sheriff's office. He tries every way he can to get there. Somebody wants to debate those things? My God, what sick-minded person wants to do that?

What seems to be the biggest failure at this point over the whole Katrina mess is the mere fact that the levee broke. Wasn’t the Army Corps of Engineers responsible for the levee? Who is primarily accountable for that Corps? It is my understanding from what I have read in the early days of the tragedy is that New Orleans got $0.06 for every $1.00 that they requested for levee repair. The received monies had gone down for the last five years. Five years ago the New Orleans Times-Picayune had an interesting article about the situation. It is seen to be extraordinarily prophetic. [It’s extremely accessible on the website and kudos to the paper for its reporting during the storm]. The point is; I hear little from anybody that focuses on that. I don’t think I can even get one of my beloved Jolly Rancher candies for $0.06.

The whole episode has lent me to think of Randy Newman’s great collection called Land of Dreams and I will give you a quote that epitomizes what has happened here. Believe it or not, it is more than a revolt of the elites; it is a total disregard for the respect of human dignity. This is from the song Roll with the Punches.

There's all these boring people, you see 'em on the TV
And they're making up all these boring stories
About how bad things have come to be
They say "You got to, got to, got to feed the hungry"
"You got to, got to, got to heal the sick"
I say we ain't gotta do nothin' for nobody
'Cause they won't work a lick, you know
They just gonna have to roll with the punches, yes they will
Gonna have to roll with them
They gonna have to roll with the punches, yes they will
It don't matter whether you're white, black or brown
You won't get nowhere putting down
The old Red, White and Blue
Tap it baby. Alright.
Look at those little shorts he's got on, ladies and
You can see all the way to
Get it
So pretty

I would like to commend the Ohio State and Wisconsin football programs. Hopefully the beloved Buccaneer’s will have the same luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, right on! Talk about rubbing salt in the wound. I had a sick feeling that Russert was salivating for another spike in the ratings if he could get the "bleeding heart" Parish Pres. to cry again. The more that happens on his watch the better for him and his ratings, right? Poke the puppy Tim, poke the puppy. It was sickening, but to be fair, Russert does tend to put poeple on the spot like that quite often. I have loved his interviews because he does dig into the wound. Perhaps a "Teddy Bear" at times, this interview was nothing I havn't seen before on the other side of the fence. It's all about ratings and references and I feel he wanted to make the Parish Pres. cry again for that cause.

12:03 PM  

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