Tuesday, November 15, 2005

He’s A Bum

no second chances

A number of years ago I went to a baseball game in San Francisco. I was in the right field bleachers. There was a group there that was tormenting the centerfielder for the Chicago Cubs. I wish I could remember his name. But they would chant…

Wha’sa Matter with So and So

Relentlessly; finally he turns around and they yell, “He’s A Bum!” I saw President Bush give an energy speech about a year ago; I wish I could’ve done it. The prevailing winds wouldn’t allow me to do it, but I did make eye contact with him and I must say, I think he got scared.

While looking up some of the references to, He’s A Bum, I ran across a script for Rocky. Laugh all you want, but Mickey says to Rocky, “you gotta be careful with this shot at the title. Like the bible says, you don’t get no second chances.”

It gave me a tickle.

I have never been so irritated at an administration. At least Reagan and Bush I had the air of competence. Clinton did too until he went finger waggin. Then I was pretty sure he was in a heap of trouble. This however is a dangerous road we are about to do battle on. I think it is fundamental to what we hope to expect for the next generation of governing. The Federalist made a big comeback in the late 1990s; I even went out and bought me a ninety or so year old version of it, perhaps this could shed some light on the character of a presidency that was so much at issue back then. I’ll dig into it later.

I have never felt so inclined as to speculate for impeachment of any elected official before. But this is a delicate issue, one that should not be jumped on because the fever of the crowd thirsts for blood letting and sacrifice. No, I quell that crowd and mull the overall decision. Would our team be better off without T.O.? I don’t really mean to take a pot shot at Eagle fans everywhere by making the comparison. But I am there. The big question is Would the United States Be Better Off Without George W. Bush As the President? See? It’s gone well beyond the moot points of being misled or lied to, or manipulated or instigated. It is about accountability in the cusp. It is what we must endure and recover from. A failed state is much more difficult to rebound from than a failed manager or coach or a reckless ball player.

The big question for the length of time since 1991 has been about character. We were led to believe that the character of this presidency would far surpass that of Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. Meaning that the perceived reality that a heart of gold will overcome the difficult odds that the nation faced. George W. Bush goes to a rally in Virginia for governor, shakes the man’s hand and tells the crowd that this man loves his wife, Vote for Him. What? Thanks for coming bud! No doubt good news for his wife, but is it good for the voters of Virginia? I don’t know.

I do think it is ironic that we take our time to complain non stop about the foolishness of an organization like the Eagles, an institution like the NFL and a sadist like T.O. but don’t seriously ponder the question of will the USA win the support of other nations for almost anything come the next time we feel there is a dangerous situation at hand? I am always hearing that people don’t watch certain sports anymore because of a strike shortened season, those bums make too much money and cry too much about how they are treated, etc etc. Well, what about now? The ex-playboy dry oil field finding want to be rounder DUI president is coughing up a bunch of complaints and unappreciative accusations to nearly 60% of the public opinion.

I have never seen an American President dealt with the way this one was dealt with in South America. I thought he might get a blanket party down there. He goes to Asia this week and to do what? Ask China to … buy more bonds? Be economically nice to us? Are you kidding me? He is going over there as weaker than any President in American history. He doesn’t have a leg to stand on. He has no leverage because he has been foolish with the stature of this country and anyone else who is willing to stand with us.

Let’s keep in mind this… before 9/11 he was not interested. After 9/11 he was concerned because, he really didn’t look good by it. Lately, they have been casting the blame on Cheney, which he deserves it, but, he is mostly being blamed by the White House whisper campaign that he is making George look bad. The flu vaccine last year? Didn’t care. This year… I think we get some legislation for the bird flu? Katrina? Please. Fuel prices? I’m glad he is faith driven but to me I believe he is getting his advice from the real Angel of Death (not the VP). I heard that there are still 4000 people missing in the southern region from the hurricanes, not counting the dead. There are almost 2100 dead in Iraq, not counting Afghanistan. There were around 3500 from 9/11. The number is in the 10s of thousands for civilian Iraqis. Heck of a job, W. That is almost 10,000 Americans. Innocent lives. All have been considered mishandled by this administration.

Do we wait for the housing bubble to burst? The energy strangle hold? How many people will die in fires this winter because of not being able to heat their homes properly? China to buy up all of our debt? North Korea and Iran to sign a deal? Wait until all our IT jobs go to India? Wait until Venezuela gets something going with China? Or are the most important items not yet considered? Who here in this administration has the imagination to consider it? Think about it?

Can Americans afford to wait any longer?


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