Saturday, February 25, 2006

Muddled Moral Clarity

There is a part of my soul that enjoys lapping up the venial and capricious. And still my heart is able to soar whenever possible, like this morning, walking out from the barn around 07:15 and the sun as big as sky was rising above the trees.

and I say to myself, what a wonderful world this must be…

Since this is not a confessional, I won’t treat it as one, but my youth tugs at me like a spoilt childe somedays… I have this feeling today.

Under the chaos that has been befalling this world, I have been lucky enough to have the flu and stay home and watch all the apocalyptic news that has been in the 24 hour news cycle. As soon as I start with an idea, a new one pops up…

So forgive the editorializing that I am about to do. I’ll try to make it short and sweet.

The cartoons? I am blown away that everyone is acting surprised that the Muslim world is in an uproar. I know from my last post, some folks were asking me, what was I thinking? And I just floated an idea.

But let’s take another example, if we posed a cartoon such as Jesus vs. Mohammad like King Kong vs. Godzilla or what about those folks getting upset about all the WWJD animations, bumper stickers and the like? The point being if I drew a cartoon of Jesus with a M16 in one hand and a severed head in the other, I would get some complaints.

Perhaps we wouldn’t see people killing in the streets over it, but our society is no better for its origin in the food chain. We burned men, women and children, destroyed churches, lynched people for the color of their skin, their religious beliefs in mob fashion. We have individuals that still do this on a regular basis. We forget so much of this because it is engrained in our consciousness, because a great many of this nation believe that it is correct to persecute someone for their beliefs…that being homosexual, color of skin, choice of religion or what one wishes to do with one’s own body.

So let’s not pretend that we are shocked at what is going on over a few silly cartoons. The Danish PM should have sat down with these folks in the beginning and granted them some respect. We might have saved some lives.

This has led up to the destruction of an 1,100 year old mosque in Iraq. Wow, couldn’t see that coming. Part of this is: if you live by the sword you will die by the sword, we have no idea what is going on in the mind of the insurgents or Iraqi people, because we ask if this will cause a civil war? Wake up Wolf, the civil war has been ongoing for about 18 months. The curfews will curb some things, protect some innocents but for real, we have no collective control over in that country and are now in a position to be sliced up.

I saw Bush boasting about how they would never overcome the American Forces in country. Well, no, not by throwing rocks, but the Vietnamese didn’t overcome our armies either. Nor are many wars won by the one with the most bullets. I couldn’t stand watching any longer; I thought to myself how out of touch he is with what is happening. I was truly amazed.

All the Katrina flap, I can’t breathe. These guys just ought to fess up and say, “we screwed it up, forgive us! We didn’t intend to be so far off the mark, but we had an election to win and well there is this war that won’t go away. We don’t prioritize well.” And move on. Send Brownie and all his buddies to work on the reconstruction of Baghdad.

My big business was to be about oil, but right now it seems to be sketchy simply because of the attempted bombings of the pipelines. I say this, but let’s keep perspective. The bombings have done little damage to the infrastructure and the struggling message is not involved in that at all. It really has more to do with the card tricks that are being played out by the government of the people.

First, a brief mention of the ports security deal. There is a reason that by the first sniff this deal stinks. It has nothing to do with Arabs directly. That part of it just looks bad, as they have been saying tone deaf, but under the reality of who they are and what business they do, it isn’t as bad as it seems and the deal will go through. The part that I thought about is that all these ports are oil ports, as well as the six busiest on the east coast.

What we have going on here is the Bush/Cheney Retirement Project. The US is operating as a oil company, with the expansion of the war on terror, the deals quietly made with the House of Saudi, the royalty in kind trading and finally this port deal, we have become a state owned agency in the oil business.

IF we haven’t realized these guys are playing hard and fast with the rules of Everything, then it might take some imagination to discover the BCRP. This is a windfall scam. The biggest clue in this is what I have heard several in the MSM say, Why would Bush so adamantly push to pass this, when all it will cause is political liability? Why would the administration claim plausible deniability about the whole thing? Why now are they calming the rebels with a wait and see; arm twisting to be followed.

This is also why I think Iran has been so hot lately. If we review some things, for example the Caspian Sea Pipeline; that has been speculated as to what we irritated the Taliban about in the first place, this area has plenty of Iranian Propietry Rights. This has been bypassed with the Afghanistan war. When we started sniffing around the troop movements, (lined up to protect the pipeline), we went into Iraq. I’m not asking anyone to believe me; I’m asking you to look into it on your own time. We were negotiating with the Taliban right up to two weeks before 9/11. We had special envoys because of a hostage situation, but had others in there all along.

This latest (port deal) is just the bold and the beautiful aspect of what this plan is all about. I’m being pretty shrewd here, but follow it back, explore who, what, where, why and how.

The port deal brings up what happened last summer when China wanted to buy Unocal. There was a major player in the Caspian deal. Somehow, I have a feeling that you will find something about this company who is interested in our ports to be involved. (I haven’t checked it out myself, but I have a good enough suspicion).

The government has been making money off our backs with the supplying of the Strategic Petroleum Reserves for the last couple of years. This has been helping avoid looking like they are taxing us, but we are paying twice for what we receive once.

I’m jaded a little, to be fair, but how often have we watched friends and family do something that will send them into a regretful position and not be able to talk sense to them? This is how I feel about the whole thing.

I have some links that will give information on some of this, but a lot of this is opinion. I recommend follow up on these questions if you disagree.

Does Just Trust Me Still work with y’all?

links (no particular order)

Secret Deal

Tampa Left Out?

New Plan for War on Terror

New Contracts Awarded for Continued Fill of Strategic Oil Reserve

SPR current inventory 2005

SPR drawdown

SPR Guidelines

What it costs us


Preparing to Change History


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