Sunday, August 27, 2006

If Your Status Ain’t Hood…

…Chim chim cher-ee!

I have Miles Davis' Pharaoh’s Dance playing and I’m thinking of all my unwritten poetry...

something ….called The Changeful Childe

‘It was invention that none of us knew about

but sadly enough we noticed

my almost finished appetite let me know that

through out the acres of my modesty

there was one lacking ingredient

But over in the corner of the dustball of heaven

is a mistake that gave man deceivability

-my friend; through embers and ambers

thru darkness thick and thin we are what

we always think we’re not and the

changeful childe, he is what he always dream’d not

thru rural afternoon he sat and waited for the

trains to stop and to wave at the men in the caboose

feeling like a blind date, he cuffed his pants and

danced thru the doorstep,

thinking that one nose is just like another

but how different chins are

partly sacramental and industrialized he pardon’d the

townfolk for laughing

he always thought men and boys were different

in parts

life was a puzzle and he had all the pieces

like a new tire has tread

but he had always took corners too fast.’

I thought for a long time the whole poem…several hundred more words was a classic piece. It has always been a sentimental favorite. I don’t know if you can catch the rhythm or not…but it is surely there at a 4/4 pace…

so why do I bring this up? Well, its pretty easy…the feeling I was expressing then is not so unlike thoughts that find me today. Perhaps the line that evokes the most from me today is…a mistake that gave man deceivability…

We stand upon a precipice now a days, looking across the vast spontaneity that is our lifestyles and reach deep for our answers that will either help or hurt the cause. yet, still we gander out and beg for something more…something less and something outrageous.

To which we draw to the state of affairs that is this world now…everybody is bombin’.

We have many ills to kill don’t we America?

There is nostalgia in the air a place to remember the Great Once We Were…a place that probably dates back to when Mr. & Mrs. Danny Zuko were announced…of course remember how Sandy was later disgraced? I dare not make it that simple because it ain’t.

But I do hesitate we are in for a wild ride…?

Because remember How Sandy Got Disgraced??? Remember it was between when the man was walking on the moon and TV dinners were introduced…and everyone was someone…huh…right and wrong were so blurred we lost our directions.

If I follow the song Soldier correctly…we as a society for the first time almost as a whole is feeling the same thing…and we are saying in the opposite way everyday of our lives that we are waiting for the big one…like there is finally going to be a universal agreement…but it will be to destroy the world as we know it…like leaves turning up to receive the rain our attentions are raised to an unknown source tuning between the beats…echoing our acquiest and our willingness wantingness to believe that finally we see the whole picture.

The audience of the dead are standing in their seats, yelling at the screen… ‘don’t go in the room…don’t go in the room… he’s in there…he’s in there…’ its an amazing white light across the universe that we want to ride to home free… yeah baby yeah…pretty much; we can’t see it coming.

So what does that mean to this that or the other thing that I’m doing? I’m saying that the message is upon us as clear as mud. What are we going to do about it, I sayz as the music in the background takes a wicked turn…………………………………………

a bitches brew, a religious experience…hominizing…and hair splitting

and I can’t do a damn thing about it…I got a bird that whistles I got a bird that sings

a mistake that gave man deceivability…our so loved feeling that we have been left behind... “why lord has thou forsaken me and God said, forgive them for they know not what they do…” or the alternative version ‘Our Fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them.’ Psalm 22.

Can you tell which was really the alternative quote? A mistake that gave man deceivability…once upon a time, someone had a great idea… and ‘thou has brought me into the dust of death.’

I do dare say that the definition of wrong and right are more blurred because they appear to be so stark raving obvious….ala let me introduce to you Mr. & Mrs. Danny Zukoooooooooooo….

we are in the middle of a pissing contest that has gotten so miserably out of hand because they are still talking about what the definition of is is….Is it a civil war we are now responsible for? Is it a conflict that’s all complete of unintended consequences that no one can actually pin point when we stopped caring about what he said and she said…

a land dispute beneath our bodice on one side and Oedipal revenge on the other, in the meantime…Mr. Zoko what color do you want your new blackberry to be?

have close to 100,000 Iraqi civilians are dead or dying or signing up to fight us… I read two editorials lately that mentioned to open our eyes and pay attention. something I have been saying for a large part of my life…repeat it again to to have repeated it again

there is something amiss in this time of our lives…something greatly amiss… we must notice that feeling when we find ourselves awaredly feeling insecure as a collected group, huddled in a room holding our shoulders like we are shivering totally unable to fathom was is going to happen when the chute opens…or walking into the slaughter house…we must realize this as a whole together.

Only then will the cycle end and in the meantime living by example is the best anyone can do. Preaching gets little the attention than that ‘of as example’ does.

If we decided to anonymously start going to neighborhoods and silently executing people, do you think that anyone would really protest if they knew they had it coming?

a masked man takes a known pimp to a manhole cover in the middle of his neighborhood…broad daylight…the masked man assassinates him there…no one says a word and return to their day…

and only later would those people ask themselves… “did I just see that man killed? Why didn’t I question it? Did I assume he had it coming? Maybe I didn’t see it and it was only pretend…?”

I say we have a really big problem with the state of the union and the American Consciousness…we have been desensitized past the point of even comprehending what that would have to mean. …Selah.

Our example is to overcome Not - not saying a word to stop insanity no matter how much we believe they got it coming.

We must admit that we only really wanted Saddam dead and hoped bombing the hell out of the place would do it or it would come from within. Had that happened? We would have declared victory and allowed the Ba’athist to remain in control and make calls for a revolution…by the end of the second term we would all be friends again. But here we are and gosh darn –it will someone stand up so we can sit down?!!?

So you’re all on call, come up with a plan…don’t just assume it will all be better one day. We take an active role, live by example…and keep in mind your sovereign self…my biggest fear is that the third party alternative would be the four horsemen…instead of A Band of Gypsies…

So let me come to the title…is our status hood? Are we likewise agreed or aware of the sentimental hygiene we sell? We need to always double check our assignments…re read the proof read of behavioral science…

So let me come to the quote…If I could teach the world to sing…in perfect harmony…

So let me come to the end…

“ 29 – All they that be fat upon the earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul.

30 ­­- A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.

31 – They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this.”


and then standing on that precipice; Psalm 143

…when doves cry…when doves cry…

…but this one goes up to eleven…

…all my trials Lord…

Battle Hymn of the Republic…


…where O brother art thou?...


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