Tuesday, July 04, 2006

One Nation

Every year it comes around and every year it means something else. One year it meant going to Shea Stadium with my Dad and brother. One year it was taking my sister to see some grunge bands. The last several years it has been reverie in a local park just relaxing and watching the fireworks.

This year; has been about a lot of independence. Some of it has been about personal struggle. A freedom if you will from the machinery of my past and all that quantifies that passage. We come up to that age that gravity lets loose on aspects and intellect. We are left standing with the results of what we thought was a good idea.

What we thought of as a good idea is where we find ourselves today on the 4th of July 2006. Two hundred and thirty years ago we decided that we have had enough. I remember the celebrations thirty years ago. Our country was limping out of a serious funk; but we found unity and in the way that Americans do; knocking it out. I have probably compared all celebrations to that year since then.

So I ask? Is it a happy birthday this year? Or is it like turning thirty all over again?

I know I know…you don’t want to be reminded. But even the most civil of our civil engineering founders didn’t take the day off to flip burger and yell at the kids. No ~ these guys were probably up all night considering if what they were doing was going to have them meet the hangman.

With that being said, we have a lot to consider. I have long considered the crew we have leading us to day are leading us directly into the arms of a mother England style monarchy. The republican revolution is all about one party rule and one party rule becomes manifest destiny and manifest destiny becomes dictatorship and or monarchy. I consider the monarchy closer to the ideal because of how they are about exclusionary blood lines and superior idolatry.

Somehow that is more acceptable than if I used the popular dictatorship comparison; isn’t that a hoot? A kingdom more acceptable than a dictatorship and on the 4th of July too. Imagine what the founders would say?

I have several links to opinion pieces from the rest of the country. The thesis is about the dissident nature of the republic. We are a nation of folks who disagree with the status quo. We believe in making things better and by that we tend to make things worse. It takes others to finitely define the answers to the question.

Once that happens we again are able to right the ship. One way or the other we then try to screw it up again.

Suggesting that even for a moment we give up our civil rights… that our liberties are open to compromise...if we were say in France and some Frenchy wanted to invade our American Civil Liberties we would shout, I’m going to see the American Consulate about this!!! But if our country asks us if it’s worth it we say Yes? Because we have become the skinny little puppy behind that couch. We talk the talk and think that we walk the walk…but for real we have no real balls because we cower with fear over every bump in the road.

Example A: all the insulting expressions to The New York Times. This piece that the TPM demonstrates the good work of such Martians Freerepublic.com and Accuracy in Media. …ah gotta love it huh?

On the other hand there is this report called CIA Closes Bin Laden Search Unit.

Howard Troxler has this opinion: It was a radical idea, to not swap out one monarch for another

E.J. Dionne Jr. has this article A Dissident’s Holiday

Richard Brookhiser has this piece WWFFD?

And last but not least we have the: I have looked into his soul and he said Gimme WTO or Else!

Have a happy and safe 4th of July America.

And for all the rock and roll fans…a sweet song.


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