Monday, June 19, 2006

Participation Awards

Sisyphus has spent several weeks plumbing the activities of critical brevity. I have not reached a conclusion on enough aspects to convene a piracy. Yet; I follow up on what I just read in the WaPo…a funny little article called Crumbling Before Putin. I don’t call it funny ha ha; but funny funny.

The article describes a Europe in defiance of the United States interest and blindly accepting power plays by the Russian government. I look at their activities with a raised eyebrow. Veep Dick Cheney gave a blistering speech awhile back…getting everyone excited about the harshness of the words. Bush effectively backed him up.

We look to that article and think for a moment. The United States has increasingly become a secondary player. Is it because we are hot heads? Trigger Happy? Paranoids? The list goes on and on. We have had some minor successes lately but I view Iran and North Korea to be the test points for this administration. Can they salvage the damaged reputation of American Foreign Policy (AFP) without having to bloody someone’s nose?

We can look at Europe and say they are sissies for their actions. We can also look to Europe and say they don’t think the USA represents their best interests and perhaps consider AFP slightly more provoking than Russian activities or Iranian philosophy.

Perhaps the pinheads in the Oval Offices have finally pushed too hard too far and not only do we have a Republican Rebellion in Congress; we also are witnessing the overall second place finish of AFP…and soon we might only receive one of those often vaunted participation awards…Here ya go Georgie –boy; Thanks for playing…

wet paint

I have to note something else in this little bit of dribble I can afford to spittle this afternoon; the Bull Moose Blog has recently spoken about the lack of support for the war by Democrats and the seemingly rush to retreat that some Democrats seem to sponsor. With that thought in mind and the evidence that Zawqari is dead; Americans need to be extremely careful about misreading this historic opportunity.

Iraq still is and will continue to be an extremely dangerous country that we must view with some prejudice. Hussein will be convicted shortly, Zawqari will be a memory and we will be tempted to take a victory lap and move on to the cruder pastures of Iran.

We have the military infrastructure built for the command assault of that burgeoning pain in the ass. But just because we think we have a wart on our fanny does not require us to be foolish.

As I mentioned above the Russians are playing an extremely delicate game of chess with us concerning our moves and motives in Iran. There is more at play here than nukes…and it sits in the Caspian Sea. If you follow this module back to 9/11 and the direct results…we are in the midst of an extremely dangerous set of circumstances.

American Reality… will be altered in the next several months… and remember that you heard it hear first. Gasoline we will recall was cheap at $2.90 a gallon. Electricity was a luxury…anything related to energy will seem to recall those old bread lines. (I’m being dramatic…) Yet; it is my belief that once the air raids start in Iran; once the ships send their missiles…the effect will be…more than we bargained for.

What will we have gained?

I say; stupid is as stupid does. We shouldn’t be too eager to leave Iraq; especially now. The vacuum is tremendous. If we start reducing troops we will be aiding the enemy. Yes, that’s right I said it. Yet, at the same time someone needs to step up with a policy. We should try harder to get a plan together that is Rational and Realistic. (I’m optimistic…there must be a pony in here somewhere…)

About 6 personnel were killed in this battle since Friday?

So, keep in mind: It’s still happening folks…if you care that is.



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