Still Life
"There are two kinds of people in this world; those who think there are two kinds of people and those who are smart enough to know better"
- Tom Robbins, "Still Life with Woodpecker"
Many moons ago while walking in
I have two books that predominately mention Camel cigarettes… the other is Norman Mailer’s “Tough Guys Don’t Dance”.
I don’t mention this because I quit smoking recently. I mention this because well… I have yet to mention it. So whoop de do….
…..tha’s what I’m talkin’ about…
I want to say congratulation to Stansfield. I’m glad your back brother…
and we’ll give ole Heimdall a nod for bringing up Robbins tonight. It’s good to have you back too. Hopefully we’ll get Heimdall’s opinions walking these floors as well.
…yes… this is saddled with the past. The old Jersey days… the old smoking days… even the last time mentioned the old drinking days… as Willie once sang it…funny how time slips away… but I don’t bring it up for those reasons. Nope. Not at all…
I bring it up because well… the past is important to getting to the future. We cannot have a future without it…can we?
I say this because well… we have grand irritations,
Today Crazy Legs was telling me that I’m an Isolationalist and that a tyrant is a tyrant. I don’t argue with the latter. And Crazy Legs… I’m not an Isolationalist…okay?
so That being said….
I can give this much to the administration…
But we have what we have. Now… we’re getting ready to go to
Karl Rove is going to paint the world black with his Doom and Gloom “what if the Democrat’s win?” philosophy.
We need to worry about What if they don’t win???
…but don’t talk about it on your phone…
and really…for crying out loud… please please please…understand that if we go into Iran to save Iraq… we will end up like some Three Stooges caricature…
Yes ~ Iran = Crazy. Yes ~ G.W. Bush = Crazy.
But as the Wiseman once said…two wrongs don’t make a right…
George W. Bush is a B-U-M – BUM.
Dick Cheney is a Woos-ee.
Donald Rumsfield is a Paranoid Schizophrenic.
Condoleezza Rice is a Push Over.
We Need New Blood.
We need to apply some lessons of the past. The Cold War/Cuban Missle Crisis and exactly what has this country/Iran done… so far? Are they trying to recreate the
I have these links from BullMooseBlog
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