Thursday, April 27, 2006

Almost Cut My Hair….

It happened just the other day….

Oh Man ~

Has the world gone out and taken Stupid Pills?

What is that scene in Billy Madison where the teacher says, “we are now dumber” for having heard what Adam Sandler rambled on about business ethics.

I have had probably a hundred links and I dumped all of them because well; I don’t have time I’d be here all night long. And it's almost like… a silent scream.

When I began this; I often spoke about an idea that went a long these lines:

If you aren’t outraged by this you aren’t paying attention.

It is $3.00 a gallon out there for gasoline. I have heard little outside of stopping the sale to the SPR and $100 rebate for gas.

The government is surely preparing to go to war with Iran. They have been promoting Generals and Admirals like you wouldn’t believe. The biggest thing I hear out of the White House is that Rummy is doing a heck of a job and they are rearranging the deck chairs.

Hmm… anyone for tennis?

This is the important thing America… be very very careful. In the old days they called it the Silent Majority. Nixon gave a speech decrying the public outrage and saying there was a silent majority that supported his policies. I think we have gone full circle there is a silent majority out there that is out of its mind and not saying a word.


Wake up… need satori fast.

… so soon… we’ll get back on topic. I have one important link for you so everyone can start hedging their bets for the Iranian Conquest.

So good reading. …more to come… I promise.


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