Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What I Forget I Remember…

Stansfield brought up an interesting argument today from what I said in the last post about what would happen if I put a cartoon out of Christ with a M16 in one hand and a severed head in another. He reminded me that as Rimbaud said, one must be absolutely modern…so I don’t want to be misunderstood as much as trying to help open up the arguments of a cultural conversation.

I tend to seep into the vortex of examining the past through the chute of Y, when X is happening all over the place. I don’t want to compare apples to oranges; but I am interested in the avenues of peace and a means to an end of the wayward spiral we are sinking in. So that being said...

The bravado of the administration; well…time will do the talking.

The buzzards are starting to circle. This article by Ann McFeatters is a good example: “In an election year, with one-third of the Senate and the entire House up for grabs, it seems preposterous that the White House didn’t think through the ramifications of not conferring with key members of Congress before rubberstamping a deal with a company controlled by a country that spawned two of the 9/11 hijackers. Because of glaring missteps, admits White House spokesman Scott McClellan, there are a lot of “false impressions” to clean up. And why didn’t the president know anything about this?” She continues, “The administration of this seemingly amiable man – certainly voters thought him more likeable than John Kerry or Al Gore – has begun to represent government at its worst: uncaring, incompetent, bureaucratic, unresponsive and full of hot air and quixotic rules.”

I wonder if Karl Rove ought to spend all that time dreaming of Hillary…

One of the most surprising polls I have seen in months is this one from Zogby International

More on the Bush Cheney Retirement Fund

This article caught my eye last night scrolling across the screen.

Damned auditors!!

But the most disturbing article I read all day was this book review by Peter W. Galbriath. This is the most inditing argument I have heard. I beg to ask, this can’t be for real, even in my wildest nightmares!!

And this little tid-bit about defending Democracy Bushie Style

But seriously folks…


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