Thursday, June 01, 2006

Work Sucks

I got hosed out of a bonus at work. Couple hundred bucks. The circumstances don’t matter, but the outcome does. Morale at my workplace is at an all time low. Things like not getting a bonus when you do as much as other people who did get one? Not helping my morale any, lemme tell ya.

So I was pissed yesterday after I found out. The world’s against me, I need a new job, on and on. I was mad the whole drive home. I planned on telling my wife how miserable this job is, and generally just feel sorry for myself.

Before I got home, I stopped to get my hair cut at one of the 32 chains (my hair is not a source of pride, so a $15 haircut will do me just fine) that are out there now. Saturdays, Great Clips, whatever. I sat down in the chair thinking about how the couple hundred bucks coulda been used to buy a bottle of 1998 Penfolds Grange.

I started talking to the woman cutting my hair. I asked her if she’d ate at a new restaurant in town called Vito’s. Italian food, most entrees cost about $10. She said that her neighbor was a waitress there, and that it’s supposed to be really good, Then, this woman who is cutting my hair as I sit debating whether or not I should find a new job over how ‘bad’ mine is, said ‘but I haven’t ate there – it’s too expensive.’

It’s all perspective. Today is my 4 year anniversary. I have two beautiful kids and a wonderful wife. My life is not perfect. I hate my job, but so does just about everyone else.

All I could think about was how badly I’d been treated, and not at all about how some people would be thrilled making the kind of money I do (which ain’t much).

Society’s pervading sense of entitlement has gotten to me, America. I am as guilty as when my 11 year old daughter throws a fit about not getting something she wants. I do not apologize for the nice things I have, because I have worked and earned them. However, I need to understand that I am very blessed in comparison with a large portion of the world. My tirade yesterday essentially was about not being blessed enough…how selfish can I be? Is this the example I want to set for my children? What is important in life?

Things could be worse. I could be cutting some bitchy guy’s hair right now, making minimum wage plus tips.

I am not happy with my job, but I tipped the woman yesterday pretty well. Not because of the haircut, either.


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