Saturday, June 24, 2006

Compassionate Conservative

I know that there are stories and facts that get blown out of proportion. It is a daily ritual for misinformation for countries like ours and governments to be completely FOS. It really just bothers me when it comes my way…and I have to deal with it.

For the moment I digress…

The flack over the renewal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is one of the most obscene gestures that have been allowed by this government and administration. I don’t take the seemingly ‘this will get done’ attitude that Eugene Robinson does in his opinion called “Bigotry Beneath the Fog”.

If we haven’t connected the dots on all the talk over the years of State’s Rights from the Republican Party, if we haven’t realized that they are hugging the Crucifix in one hand and stuffing their pockets with the money of the poor in the other, if we haven’t totally concluded that the war in Iraq was a war of vengeance to redeem a failed past presidency then we can believe that yes…the Voting Rights Ace will be renewed.

But mark my words…it was around eight years ago when the Republican Party started talking about the Voting Rights Act as being obsolete. And as Mr. Robinson points out in the end of the opinion… “our representatives ought to take a serious look at the irregularities that marred the presidential vote in Florida in 2000 and the allegations of unfair voting procedures in Ohio in 2004.” …they will be right on that one too…

Minimum Wage: 8 hrs a day at $5.15 = $41.20 untaxed. Average Cost of a gallon of Gasoline: $2.776 for the Midwest. The rate of inflation in the US is 4.17%. You might want to look up groceries…that is generally not included in inflation rates. Compassionate Conservative…its makes my heart fuzzy.

And for this we are really not too upset, we believe that some of this is for a higher purpose. We think we are going to save the world. I would suggest reading the Dan Froomkin articles from earlier this week.

Lastly, I need to take to task a glaringly dishonest link that was sent to me. I can denounce or explain away most of what is on this page. I was most curious over the tons of enriched uranium that was mentioned on the page. My suspicions were confirmed. This was materiel that had been there since 1991.

This is brought to you from the people who were going to restore honor and dignity back to Washington. How much dishonesty needs to be pushed until we finally realize that George W. Bush and Co. should be impeached? The Democrats need to get it together and go back to the roots of the “New Democrat” from the DLC and “it’s the message, stupid”.

Start looking for solutions…


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