Friday, November 10, 2006

What’s It Going to Be Then, Eh?

In the end; we all have to face ourselves in the mirror.

It’s the same thing everyone has to think about from time to time. It could be changing a job or getting a divorce; standing up for something that you see the injustice surrounding.

Sort of what will the kids think about me after all of this?

Most Republicans I speak with don’t want to talk about the reasons we went to war anymore. I find this a surprising indictment. We all agree that it's too late; we’re there and now we need to fix that…don’t beat a dead horse?

Bottom line: we all agree in silence that we were sold a lemon….

President Bush is a little weary from the beating he took publicly and privately for the war. VP Cheney; I don’t think he actually thinks outside of his reality.

But Bush; he is going to have to face consequences the same way everyone else does.

If the Congress doesn’t immediately go for impeachment; then one can project Cheney may become more isolated and eventually become a footnote in this administration now that there will be a new Secretary of Defense.

If Cheney retires early enough I believe the impeachment go forward. Cheney is the biggest reason that there may be no inquiry to impeachment, unless they go after him first.

Unfortunately I think there will be more emphasis on saving this Presidency than to saving Iraq.

There has been speculation aplenty that Cheney would retire after this recent election and in his stead would be Giuliani or Frist or another ’08 Republican hopeful. I think this is wishful thinking…


What would the Democrats be willing to give up for something like that?

What Republican would be willing to take that bullet? James Baker?

If the Democrats are smart…and I say if… they will acknowledge the concerns of the liberal wing but concede to what is important for the short term.

Help domestic policy and slowly creep into the foreign policy stage.

The Bush Presidency will eat itself. The power dump is too little too late.

With Rumsfield out of the way and Melhman fading to obscurity or going to FOX as an analyst; several portions of the dirty wing of Republican corruption will take center stage. Karen Hughes will attempt to repair the image for the public consumption, yet the subtle art of the deluge will finish off whatever power might be available to the administration.

The Democrats need to consolidate their power with an eye on the prize.

The Democrats got Rummy’s head on a platter and the credit but that is probably it. Guys like Fruity Newty and McCain and the conservative base got the olive branch.

The DNC needs to muzzle Senator Kerry and Howard Dean. They need to be careful about overreach and most of all…think about the implications of any Iraq policy they come up with.

In the meantime here is some new military analysis about the Terror War.

Here are some ideas from the United States Institute of Peace:

Scenarios for the Insurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan 5 years later.


Options for U.S. Policy in Iraq

Strategic challenges for the counterinsurgency and the global war on terrorism

… Let’s see what the weekend spin becomes…


Blogger dyingember said...

The Wreck of Time
WH Auden

About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window
Or just walking dully along...

In Brueghel's Icarus, for instance: how everything turns away
Quite leisurely from the disaster; the ploughman may
Have heard the splash, the forsaken cry,
But for him it was not an important failure; the sun shone
As it had to on the white legs disappearing into the green
Water; and the expensive delicate ship that must have seen
Something amazing, a boy falling out of the sky,
Had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.

12:09 AM  

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