in vain I slave to understand the three histories;
uselessly I pored over the five classics
until I'm old I'll go on checking census figures;
as in the past, a petty clerk scribbling in
tax ledgers.
when I ask the I Ching it says there's
trouble ahead;
all my life is ruled by evil stars.
if only I could be like the tree at the rivers edge
every year turning green again!
Cold Mountain, 30
in vain I slave to understand the three histories;
uselessly I pored over the five classics
until I'm old I'll go on checking census figures;
as in the past, a petty clerk scribbling in
tax ledgers.
when I ask the I Ching it says there's
trouble ahead;
all my life is ruled by evil stars.
if only I could be like the tree at the rivers edge
every year turning green again!
Cold Mountain, 30
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