Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

It’s been six years since the attack on America.
It’s a Tuesday like that day.
It’s cool and fall is coming quickly…

What have we done in six years?
How have we fixed the dreadful problem of Hate?

Are the measurable results Difficult? Abstract? Dun? Yes, they are.

Have we become more cowardly in this fight?

Are we afraid to vacate an area because we fear a show of weakness to an enemy? What ever that means… people of courage don’t think in those terms…only cowards do.
Are we terrified that the glass is half empty rather than half full? Recognition of that fate would surely dissolve the false bravado, that we are ‘kicking ass over there.’

Have we accepted rhetorical responses as truth?

Have we accepted that any ‘loss of liberty’ is part of the price of FREEDOM?

Have we accepted the War Profiteer’s global justification that, they too are afraid that ‘someday this war’s gonna end.’

We are weaker today than we were at 09:00 Tuesday September 11, 2001 not because of the son of a rich man in Saudi Arabia.

We are not weaker today because of a rich son of a Texas oil man.

We are weaker today because of the philosophy of both of these men.
We are weaker today because of the death of reason, the death of logic, and the death of courage. Thomas Paine where are you?

Daily men and women are putting their lives on the line because they believe that America still has courage.

There is no courage in America.

Our courage has locked itself into the mind numbing way of life that is now America. I bet most ‘eligible’ Americans know more about fantasy football than the number of dead in Afghanistan and Iraq, much less the collateral deaths.

9/11 did not wake us up; it has lulled us to sleep…

When the news comes on today; about that September morning, think about the folks that didn’t make it and those that did, think about the people in the field and everyone who has ever been in the field…

Then look around and shove down that funny feeling, the one that rises from the belly… the one that tells you to just accept it, whatever it is…

And then drive to the gas pump and make a contribution …
Go pay that $2.80+ a gallon…
Then drive home with a smile on your face…
Muse to yerself……Aren’t I Swell?

But whatever you do, don’t ask, ‘Are we winning the War?’

May God Have Mercy On Your Souls


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