Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Bonnet

And so it is Easter in America… The replay of sins is astonishing and the irony of our lives amazing. I wonder on this anniversary if we do take note of the Christian holiday and think at all past the increment of our lives?

We are a nation of excess, we are a nation of intolerance; we are a culture of self infliction… and it is Easter. This is the day in history where we are to be forgiven for what we may do to ourselves and others.

Would we not tell someone to stay in an abusive situation if the perpetrator continued to abuse the victim and apologize each and every time…? “Mistakes were made, yes, I’m responsible for this”? No we wouldn’t…we would say ‘get out!’

America, look deep into your heart and what is left of your soul, decide if this is the world you want to live in…ask, are we happy, are we really happy? Is this our legacy? We continue to morn for the death of a man who preached Peace and Love and yet; we abandon the faith and teaching at any opportunity possible. So, listen up all you sinners… the day of reckoning may be upon you.

Think Peace… Be Peace...

Happy Easter


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