Sunday, January 21, 2007


All the Time

Dandy day…

Ah, Sisyphus has rested nimble fingers and finally the snow has begun to fall on the plain and everyone has been outside…even Harley & Memphis.

I have convinced them all that they have done a bang up job of imitating Jeremiah Johnson in their little neck of the woods.

Some days are a lot of work for the simple menagerie…all sleeping done lapping forepaws.


…a definition of higher wrought left of kindness to the right of hope as they would say.

I’ll manage a coherent thought in just a bit…I don’t know exactly where I am going with this yet, for the most part I do have a point. Today I feel like I am writing to write…not in that bad way that tends to be job oriented; but in the fashion of those moments in the old days. That is; the inspiration is too strong and too pure to let it fall into idle hands.

I may jump around a bit…

It has been a bit of an odyssey as of late. I’ve been shedding some of the old for some of the new, some of the new with some of the old…etc. I’m tired of talking about the war and I’m tired of warring with what is around me. … And yet dreams of late have not been too dark…


We are going to escalate the war for a bit. At the same time the policy makers are leaking out that by summer these folks will be coming home. All at the same time proving nothing of what we are really going to do or how to judge success.

This policy started previous to the elections; how there was going to be a big mind meld at Camp David and to be wrapped up nicely with the State of the Union address. Good News folks… we done something about the war...we plan on making it worse.

All this reminds me nicely of the song by Randy Newman called New Orleans Wins the War. It’s about the end of WWII but the folks down there thought that it was the reemergence of the south… ‘I knew we’d do it, we done whipped them Yankee’s!’

It’s the same sad story the same sad fact to go on quoting (Mr. Springsteen, this time). As I said awhile ago, to believe that we will leave Iraq is to really be wrapping oneself in a straight jacket and saying, ‘that’s all folks’ to your-self in backwards King’s English.

This would be preaching to the choir

On the other hand, I think there is unique position to set some new precedent. I think that this Congress has a lot of leverage. They can completely seal off the artic region of Alaskan wildlife preserves from drilling forever; they can attempt to fund the Iraqi government to build an army, to prop up the government and to allow our folks to come home.

All this with the backdrop of impeachment lingering… because really we can spend the money to protect the boots that are over there until the cows come home and not support a Surge of troops.

It’s up to the agencies who manage the money to spend it with an economy.

I don’t think that an actual impeachment would hurt any presidential candidate worth their salt if they are honest and not out for the presidency for simple ego. The merits of the candidate far outweigh the politics. That is something Mr. Kerry has never realized.

With that being said

It won’t happen. Because there is not a politician I have seen in recent years, save one or two who have really spoken about things in an honest way. It really comes down to waking up the American people (and that seemingly won’t happen until after the new American Idol is decided).

This would take an intrinsic awareness; a brutal honesty about the state of affairs…a criminal dissemination.

It’s more than to say that White Hope is for New Orleans to go to the Superbowl because somehow that would erase the racial epitaph that lingers in the souls of Caucasian guilt after Hurricane Katrina; yet not enhance a single thing. Perhaps even under the right circumstances; it might ignite the oily rags behind the barn door, and we’d be back to square one.

I’m interested to see the gauntlet that has been tossed down recently. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Bill Richardson each have a paradigm to break; we as a public also have something to see about ourselves. Not to mention who is on the Right this year...they too have challenges of ideology from the flank. It will be bold and bitter, this fight that waits ahead…toss in the war and there will be splits in families that will take a generation to heal.

It -ain’t -gonna -be -pretty…

On the other hand

I am under the influence of a dark star. My too long ago, is delegated to the rituals that have fast stolen my courage. Previously I have stead found ways to manipulate my conscience into believing the worst. My hope is my steps are slow and deliberate like walking across a rope bridge in a high cavern during a high wind.

A generation of nomads and gypsies are the songs of my heart; is it more than I can bear?

The Request of Happiness sits and laughs at the loss of tranquility as the lyrics slip silent knots from the main sail; where is the lucky bandit now, drifting slowly to port or starboard? Do those lost lands call? Am I to shed new skin, awaken the DNA to decide upon which fate to call my own?

I relish the wisdom of the gods.

What is it that I search for? What is it that I so demand? Or yet; what is it that you God are asking of me? I have forgiven my past; but it has yet to forgive me. Is the mansion balanced or hidden by the blade of grass?

I wait.

What would John Garfield do?


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