Sunday, February 04, 2007

To Live and Die in Iraq

Nowadays, we have a moral question bigger than any other. Someone said to me earlier this week comparing the dead from Vietnam to the dead in Iraq…the numbers game. (There is only 3000 dead compared to the 50,000 in Vietnam)

For the first time in a long time I simply walked away from the conversation. I could see the premises that were growing; Palestine and Israel will be dragged back into the mix, as well as all the Bull Shit that we are facing with Iran.

And all we want to do is to fight them there instead of over here…over there, over there…(those quote the decider, commander in chief)

It’s a funny business how all the dirt that is under the rug is dragged out for the worst passions of the American public.

I have said many times; I’m sure in my posts as well
If you think for a moment (Joe Liebermann) that these knuckleheads give two rats asses for what comes of Israel and or Palestinian conflict if not for the red meat rhetoric they provide.

The question that Iraq now poses; if we can help more than we hurt; I saw an estimate this morning of about one thousand killed this week. We have speculated that nearly one hundred thousand people, human beings…folks that previously were alive…citizens of peace, killed since we invaded.

These 100,000 or so are the same as the Jersey Girls, the families of NYC; the families from the Pentagon and from the flight that crashed in Somerset PA…the ones we parade about when patriotism is our goal.

So ~ I have often mentioned to people about all the dead Iraqis and I receive the same response as if I was talking about the Native American’s or the African Americans that have suffered by the hands of our government. Funny ole Sisyphus waving the liberal flag again…

…most often…these God Fearing Bible Pounding Homophobic Child Molesters will wise crack with references of sand, turbans … and you name it… we’re all grownups here. I might as well talk about pouring gas on the ant pile.

As well, most of these folks pay such great lip service to the plight of Israel they make it seem sincere. But we all know these people when you talk to them about buying a car or Hollywood or that phrase of liberal media…fain faux pas when they speak of Iran and the Holocaust, watch their swastika tattoo with the confederate flag begins to itch like a mother…and they think no one gets it. We’re just being polite… (I hope…)

Here in a country where one of the main headlines today is about the Cranes that got killed in Florida. Yes, sad but true, imagine if they were in a forest and we they lived in wood we wanted to burn…the tears would dry up wouldn’t they.

The National Intelligence Estimate is going to be classified because like last year has bad news. This year the terms Civil War and Ethnic Cleansing are used and the Neo Con Pollyanna’s will split hair crying foul, you and I in the general public understand.

We need to talk about dead Iraqi’s. Perhaps have a Sunday morning infomercial to adopt the displaced Iraqi families…only one dollar a day provides…funds for bribery and ammunition for the state provided AK-47s so they can kill their neighbor and perhaps maim a US solider. IF a family pools their money together; they may be able to purchase the home of their hated religious rival.

I know I know it’s not as bad as racists in Central Florida who have had their trailers turned over…hey and the good news there, they found granny’s guns so those folks still without homes in New Orleans can’t come down and steal nuthin.

Before I slam our brethren in Florida…check out this
link. Beside my own first hand knowledge of that area…and even perhaps neighborhood. (Did you see the ropes hanging in the trees???) I don’t want to seem un-PC. Charlie Crist, you’re looking good as a man in charge.

My recommendation and the angle I am going to pursue as in regards to this Surge that is more than 21,500 as I have mentioned and now represented in the Congressional Budget Office
report. Let us mention the total dead Iraqi’s that we are supposedly protecting.

And in closing…

Al Gore, Peace Prize Nominee? Who needs the Presidency if you have an Oscar and a Peace Prize! Not even Regan had an Oscar…

I hasten to think where we would be now seven years into it…Perhaps 9-11 prevented? Osama dead or captured? Saudi not funding the enemy in Iraq; Saddam continued to be contained or killed by his own people? A Palestinian State at Peace with the Nation of Israel…Joe Liebermann the bi partisan republican Senator and Bob Graham the Veep with commonsense…It could have been more than an SNL skit.

The Idiots of the week are Joe Biden and Barak Obama. Both of you guys decidedly screwed that up; Biden for showing how old school you are (don’t be fooled that was a deliberate statement) and Obama for reconsidering a statement of those slighted. (You should have thought about that on you’re feet if you weren’t worried about the angle to play).

Is sincerity too much to ask for in America?

All I know… my coffee is sincere…nudge nudge wink wink…

And I want to end with a song… *clears throat*
this is for all you Mr. and Mrs. America who are filled with outrage but are too afraid to speak it out loud...and don't forget to tip you bartenders and waitresses...they work hard for you!!!

The Sisyphean National Anthem

Well, the pressure's down, the boss ain't here,

He gone North, he ain't around,
They say that vanity got the best of him
But he sure left here after sundown.
By the way, that's a cute hat,
And that smile's so hard to resist
But what's a sweetheart like you doin' in a dump like this?

You know, I once knew a woman who looked like you,
She wanted a whole man, not just a half,
She used to call me sweet daddy when I was only a child,
You kind of remind me of her when you laugh.
In order to deal in this game, got to make the queen disappear,
It's done with a flick of the wrist.
What's a sweetheart like you doin' in a dump like this?

You know, a woman like you should be at home,
That's where you belong,
Watching out for someone who loves you true
Who would never do you wrong.
Just how much abuse will you be able to take?
Well, there's no way to tell by that first kiss.
What's a sweetheart like you doin' in a dump like this?

You know you can make a name for yourself,
You can hear them tires squeal,
You can be known as the most beautiful woman
Who ever crawled across cut glass to make a deal.
You know, news of you has come down the line
Even before ya came in the door.
They say in your father's house, there's many mansions
Each one of them got a fireproof floor.
Snap out of it, baby, people are jealous of you,
They smile to your face, but behind your back they hiss.
What's a sweetheart like you doin' in a dump like this?

Got to be an important person to be in here, honey,
Got to have done some evil deed,
Got to have your own harem when you come in the door,
Got to play your harp until your lips bleed.

They say that patriotism is the last refuge
To which a scoundrel clings.
Steal a little and they throw you in jail,
Steal a lot and they make you king.
There's only one step down from here, baby,
It's called the land of permanent bliss.
What's a sweetheart like you doin' in a dump like this?

Sweetheart Like You
Mr. Robert Zimmerman
Copyright © 1983 Special Rider Music



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