Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Sunday Blues

Here in the mix I’ll stand looking out into the fortunate world.

It’s a crossroads and an incredible pace.

It’s a funny thing to think that once one sets out to put the world behind them the devil jumps in front of them.

There are no simple pleasures.

We are in a constant try out. A constant audition and we sing to the Audience of the Dead. Ah, the spirits sit and watch and tempt us to see if we mean what we really mean.

Can we hold these truths to be self evident?

Can we hold true to ourselves for the higher gifts we may receive?

What do we consider a realistic amount of torture and pain?

Are we slaves to our dogma?

Do we compromise for the casualty?

We live our lives for our own purposes. I am bent out of a purpose that is so long shelved that I no longer speak it out loud when referring to myself. I have lived to gain experience; taken on characters that marketed cult of personality.

For what reasons do we stare out into the ocean? And what stares back at us? What myth is rising from the waters; waiting to hand us the ultimate scepter?

I have long argued. If you have known me; you have fervently had to defend yourself. I mean that to mean; do you believe what you say you believe and will you defend it as you would demand self preservation?

We can not honestly give a damn about what anyone thinks or feels as long as they believe in what say & act upon. What will I regret?

Hypocrisy is a dangerous game that everyone lives in. I do; I do it and play it. I try to minimalize it.

One is best punished for one’s virtues.

I used to be better at it; but in some fashion, I have given in. I didn’t mean to. I don’t think that I believed that was what I was doing. I thought I’d try it and I knew better; I tell myself now. Was I wrong? I don’t know. If I die tomorrow…yeah… I missed that boat. If I manage to add forty, fifty or sixty years to my wisdom I will hopefully made up my time.

I am a highwayman. I know the advantages of traveling at night. I know the disadvantage of stopping before you reach your destination. I know for every fifteen minutes one stops on the road; it can take an hour to make it up.
It is not the intensity, it is the duration…

We live in a culture, as Americans that virtue is not valued as much as winning is. American Virtue is lip service. We know not of turning the other cheek, we have little loyalty without benefit.

We have been shown bitter pictures of those who have tried and those who have failed.

I have sat at the end of the bar for several years. They all roll in; they all roll out and in between certain folks stay. Guys that had been there lived it and held it when there was nothing left. Guys that had been to Vietnam and Korea…men of my father’s generation and my uncle’s generations; by no means were these guys’ cowards.

They held true to what they believed in. They had no regrets. Both of those wars were unpopular.

We have a predicament in America. We need to choose between waving a flag, tossing a slogan or watching good men and women fall in valor. Yesterday (protests) we saw a spectacle.

I’d love to hear those discussions Monday morning at the water cooler.

I know the difference between a coward and a warrior. I know that both can wear a uniform and be out of uniform. I hope we get to find out how many we elected.

It is important to believe in who you are and who you represent when you slip into your skin every morning.

What do I believe in? I have said since day one we were acting like bullies in the situation concerning Iraq. Iraq was absolutely no threat to us. We controlled the air space and Hussein had been little more than a nuisance since ’91. And well, yes; we were perhaps too gentlemanly then and if we hadn’t been we might have had some of this strife; but we wouldn’t have had bin Laden to concern ourselves with.

Case closed.

In the meantime; bin Laden or his organization are alive and will in the Afghan hills.

And… if Bush can take credit for no terrorist attacks since 9/11 he sure as shit can then take responsibility for allowing it to happen.

What do we do now? Either occupy it like Japan or get the hell out; you freaking idiots.

Adding 21,000 more troops is rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Adding 500,000 is making a statement that you mean business…but we can’t do that now can we?

Hogwash Mr. Cheney; Hogwash!?! Yer a funny guy…


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