Thursday, February 08, 2007

Armed Doctrine

I have five books on my desk at work. Jack Kerouac’s Old Angel Midnight, Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy – A Sentimental Journey, WB Yeat’s Selected Poems, Wang Wei’s Poems and Max Lerner’s The Age of Overkill.

All of which I will open from time to time to slip into another world…

So, I have spent some time today one will notice, digging.

I decided to open The Age of Overkill. I stopped reading this book around the time of 9-11 because frankly I was becoming terrified as to what our government was preparing to do to the world. The topic of the book is considerably about the Cold War against Communism.

The rhetoric we have used over the last several years has been about how the war against terrorism isn’t about the Cold War or using Cold War thinking…I open the book to my mark and I come across the term Armed Doctrine. I type it in to Google and it doesn’t take long to find oneself in modern arguments.

The basis of that topic goes back to the French Revolution and later in this reference of Communism and as a Political Religion.

I closed the book again after reading perhaps three more paragraphs.

Political Religion?

I was turned on today to the article in Vanity Fair by Craig Unger which mentioned an old policy paper from the Institute for Advanced Strategic Political Studies called “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm”. This brought to mind a project that was headed by Cheney and Co. several years ago called the Project for the New American Century that helped drum up all the supposed reasons we went into Iraq.

This Strategy for Securing the Realm is focused on Iran this time and was called in the VF article as “nothing less than a playbook for U.S. – Israeli foreign policy during the Bush-Cheney era.”

When I printed the article off the song playing on the radio was a jazz standard of “It Takes Two to Tango”. I can not make up stuff like that.

For over a year we have been building an infrastructure in order to attack Iran; now we are building up the rhetorical debate…and Iran is taking the bait.

I say it now; don’t be surprised…its not if it is when we attack.

Political Penance…

I have many links to follow up on for one’s educational on Iran and Iraq…

The New Iraq Index

Some Good News out of Iran

Then more Fightin’ Words

Ru-dy Ru-dy

How to use the L Word to win the war

More fun with acronyms

Remember how everyone says they Supports the Middle Class

Here is a story about the Iraqi’s being displaced

The Iraqi Reconstruction Report

Hare Hare


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