Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bloodless George

It’s been a week since the terrible shootings at Virginia Tech. The school, students, families and governments recline to search their hearts and minds for understanding.

We will see that real courage is in limited supply when everything is said and done. We see that we would still rather point our fingers and accuse the symptoms without conceiving the cure.

There have been commentators who have recently brought up this next point; George Bush vanished during 9/11 until he finally showed up with his bullhorn.
He built up fear to bring us into a useless war; a grudge match no less. Then the administration insists no photographs of coffins. We see little of actual combat.
George goes not once to the air force base in Delaware; not one funeral. Not even for the boys from Texas.
Only after being embarrassed did he address the medical facilities for the Vets.
But; when it is something that can’t be directly linked to his administration, like the shooting? He’s there with bells on... Cynical I know… but…

How about that anthrax killer? Where's that person? The flu vaccine came and went; dodged a bullet there didn't we? Hurricane Katrina comes in and how much time goes by before thousands and thousands of people get help? There have been lots of promises but plenty of folks are still in need. We're tired of hearing about that now, besides the racial overtones are swept under the carpet, nobody wants to deal with that...unless Imus wants to take a crack at it?

We have that nasty problem at the Justice Department and the Attorney General; the regular assault on the Constitution, the misinformation (Iraq was responsible for 9/11 you know) or how we manage to pay double for gasoline (once in tax dollars and second at the pump) or the outing of Valerie Plame the CIA agent, the Jack Abramoff corruption I could go on an on.
Bush even one time did actually say; the war was about oil; albeit so Osama didn’t get his hands on it. But if Osama was captured or killed we might not even have to worry about that? (Again, I assert we have allowed him to go home to Saudi).

But let's not talk about all that stuff its Boring...

Everything these guys accused the Clinton Administration about, they have done three fold. Karl Rove; heckuva job, baby!

So ~

Don’t you worry about those shootings; the guns didn't kill ‘em a loophole do.

BUT whatever you do; don’t let those TAX CUTS sunset the same way that GUN LAW did!!!

No WMD, don’t worry that was just a cover story…you don’t want Saddam Hussein in charge of Iraq anyway.

Flu Vaccine… that was the fault of them Englishmen…

9/11… it all depends on what ‘determined to attack’ really means.

Osama? ‘Did I really say Dead or Alive…? I kid around a lot’

Valerie Plame… all’s fair in love and war…especially if you have no respect whatsoever for the nation’s spy industry…

Never before has such a riddled presidency come before a nation so uninterested in the outcome.
G.H.W. Bush yesterday said people might be getting Bush fatigue that’s why no Jeb in ’08… Really ~ ya think its Bush fatigue? Or that finally we have learned our lesson?

We cannot manage to stand up against gasoline prices or the urban sprawl. We can muster hate for immigration; instead of applying the standards that have been in place…no shortage ever to ratchet up the rhetoric to create more fear or hate.

Fear and Hate seem to be the new American Values.
We don’t know the difference between right and wrong because our community is shattered; the homing of common values is now the production line for contrived differences of separation which shelter the hate that leaves us cleaving only later to what happened.

And then we have Bloodless George W. Bush. The body count keeps going up and he keeps on smiling; just like the song says…pay no heed to the chirpy birds Georgie boy. Not a mark on his face not a scratch just Tex Ritter playing in the background to the sound of weeping families. Everybody else does the dirty work…

This nation will one day mend itself is all we can have hope in. I don’t want to be a doomsayer. I hope that my sensibilities haven’t betrayed in me that outlook. And I don’t want to sound like one of those folks that consider this the signs of the Rapture and therefore we must rejoice in the chaos.

I just look around and feel sorry for the world…

Too many people popping pills…
Too many people are dishonest…
Too much bankruptcy of the heart and head…
Too much excess… (Did I just say that?)
Too many people just can’t figure out ways to be happy…
Too many people are Soul Sick…
Nobody asking, what is the Request of Happiness?

My kind used to rail against the sleepy bedroom towns and ask to counter the culture. I believe that I still quest the understanding of the world; the empathy of the human race and harbor an interest in making this a better place to live.

Yet here we are… 2007 some forty years after the summer of love… twenty years after my own summer of love; twenty years of being a professional or an active person in the society…and in the end I am just as powerless today as I was then…

What can we do? Laugh.
What should we do? Buy some gas and go for a long drive…
Who’s paying attention? Wha?
Nobody cares anyway? Make a RIBBON!!!
Please just let them eat their cake?
Please just let them die in vain?

Time to just accept it, that’s the way the world is today, the rapes the murders the class warfare, the social injustice, the unapologetic greed…etc

All you Chicken Little’s

Dear Bloodless George…

You are right to assume that nobody will stand up and say

America the Beautiful…


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