Sunday, January 06, 2008

Come Back To the Five and Dime, Al Gore, Al Gore

Dear Al Gore,

I watched most of the debates last night in New Hampshire on ABC (new motto fair and balanced). It was fun watching Republican’s talk about gasoline prices… ah comics… I love them.

We are in sad sad shape.

I found it funny that Bill Richardson made a statement that he was glad that you were not running because I think he believes you are the man for the job.

I honestly think that if Hillary or Barack are nominated, the Democrats need only look to 1988 and what happened then.

I watched that debate and thought to myself; this is the best we can offer? This is the best we can do?

I’m sorry America… it’s like watching a marriage that should not happen, a career move that is doomed to lead to foreclosure… taking the alcoholic to the bar… I won’t be surprised when it happens.

So I harken back to you Al Gore; quit wallowing in the self pity of the bum loss. Are you to blame? If you could have done better than go out and prove it to yourself. We can’t beg you and we can’t anoint you.

But ~ we need you whether we know it or not…

It is up to you, the New Hampshire caucus is a few days away...Fire a warning shot for encouragement and …when Hillary doesn’t win; Al Gore you must put your name in the hat.

This is the last time I suggest this, if you don’t do it: Al, I may never forgive you because the next four to eight years can send this country into a tailspin that we may not be able to recover from. Al, it will affect you too, you know… you won’t be isolated like you are now. We are friends but I mean business; if you have been waiting for a decisive moment… here it is; take this brother may it serve you well…

Good luck and Godspeed.



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