Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sam’ old Sam’ old; Mr. Barack Obama

Great Speech what else is new?

Some Questions for America…

Do you understand race better?

Does it count for your diversity training?

How does this dispel that folks like Rev. Wright are not still influential people to Mr. Obama or anyone in general?

Who will now be his spiritual advisor when he has to hunker down with moral questions, similarly with Christian Idealism?

Such as What if the War must go on or escalate?

Or What about new Israeli-Palestinian flare ups?

Does he agree with those remarks that aren’t exactly black vs. white issues? Rev. Wright talked about a lot more that wasn’t race.

Does he think that that AIDS was started by the US government to kill black people?

It is easy to dismiss ‘all that is offensive’; blanket the fire with a nice intellectual statement that circles in the sky the way a buzzard waits for a wounded animal to die. Hyde Park is smiling.

I think the speech was highly calculated; ‘the black community vs. my white grandmother’ nice…

So Nobel Mr. Obama where was the regret for the antagonism that Rev. Wright placed against Hillary Clinton for the most public of humiliation that she had to endure? You only gave an overt reference to her ‘evidence that she's playing the race card’.

Someone said recently that politics is still the same as it was back in Athenian forums; and what we witnessed yesterday is evidence; a slight variation of the central themes. It is as cynical as moving the goal posts; he simply redefined them to deflect the posed concerns.

I think it was largely a commitment of more of the same, no news.

A la:

Oh ~ Blacks are angry about the segregation, slavery, Jim Crow?
[When did that start?]
White folks are pissed because they don’t feel as dominant a race as they did 50 years ago?
Wait, did he indicate that Irish and Italians didn’t always get along or Catholics and Protestants haven’t always been friends?
I was waiting for him to say that gay people might live in rural communities?
[I didn’t get off that boat yesterday either…]

I expect the same reaction around the country as we got when we found out that Rev. Wright was a highly charged radical preacher from the South Side of Chicago: shocked, shocked! That this kind of demoralized feelings about race, class and basic humanity was going on in America! (or in the whole world: hint Iraq War)

I’m sorry that America has kicked up some dust in your sandbox Mr. Obama; but here’s the God’s Honest Truth… Life is Hard; For Everybody…Message you didn’t deliver: Get Over It!

I am no more able to complain about my disenfranchisement than anyone else in this world.

I think all that was done by this speech was validating the hurtful, hateful commentary of every racist in America; as well it will increase the capacity of every co-dependant self pitying pill popping constituency (who is guaranteed to love that speech)who once again will not reach beyond themselves to exhibit a self reliance in these basic human elements.

No; I don’t think this is leading by example; this speech is enabling the worst aspect of American society.

By keeping your heart and soul in the possession of any church that even hints at the aspect of Hate; you are no longer at a church but a member of a cult.

America knows this.

Plenty of people are capable of turning off their televisions, walking out of movies, restaurants; kitchen tables AND YES it is possible to walk out of a church that dispenses the continuum of a negative direct selection philosophy. Why can’t you do this?

All this talk of confronting race head on in this speech is malarkey; what exact fears of your own did you confront?

I think you hid them in this speech; attracting pity of the white folks and stalling the fallout from the black community for providing a hesitation before you perform in yet another suite as the chameleon.

I can’t tell if I am outraged more by the irony of the acceptance of this horror or by the implicit call to bifurcate the Theme of Racism.

Mr. Obama, I don’t think you know how to explain race any more than the next guy; even myself… but I will give you this one story before we go off the deep-end.

Many years ago; my brother in law raised as a racist was struggling with these emotions, drunkenly decided on Christmas Day to confront them. We drove to a bar in Clearwater, Florida on Greenwood Avenue; he walked into this bar (I wish I could remember the name; but this was 1994), sat down at the bar and proclaimed to the few people that were in there that he was born and raised a racist but thought that if he could come into this bar and drink with people he was taught to fear; he could change his beliefs.

I went to sit in a booth to let him fight his demons; a man named Rudolf came and spoke with me to see if he was for real; or if I was the ‘heavy’ as he put it.

We left a few hours later; everyone was hugging and grinning… saying, ‘wow’.

The speech we heard yesterday was filled with spoken truths, attempted to sooth political hysteria and to protect Mr. Obama’s flank. He may have been afraid to give the speech and overcame that; but didn’t over come his fears that consummate what is racism.

Courage is defined as the ability to confront fear, pain, risk, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. Not Biography.

Mr. Obama; where was your fear, pain, risk, danger, uncertainty or intimidation without the flowery remarks that are all part of a good speech?


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