Saturday, March 15, 2008

Will Mr. Barack H. Obama Jr. Go Uncle Tom?

Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. has given a radical position to America.

Geraldine Ferraro had done the same; brought as an observation.

Now; America, Black, White and Other will decide it.

These racial questions bring to mind all the topics from immigration to the failure of American politics to head off this train at the pass.

Everyone will sit down to decide if as BHO is telling the truth that he is, as he stated, he is shocked.

America too is shocked that the Reverend had separatists tendencies. Or are they?

Talk to people about religion and politics; you can usually tell their religion or politics when they start to describe one of them to you.

I was raised Catholic, I can safely say, that although that church is known for controversies of its own, race and hate where not part of the pulpit. I have spent many days in other churches (people like to try to convert me); where I have felt the hate for blacks, Catholics, Jews…Iraqis, Iranians… Frenchies… you name it.

In the end; I have yet to find someone in those churches that do not subscribe to these attitudes and feelings. I took can eloquently tell you why I believe the opposite of what I believe too; just as perhaps Barack Obama has done with his interviews and posts.

The bigger issue is; Who the hell is this; Barack Obama? Has he spent enough time padding his resume, dotting his I’s crossing his T’s.

Try this rumor For example:

Is Barack Obama a Muslim?

He has stated that the Reverend is the man who brought him to Christianity. I read also that he has been a member of the church for 17 years.

He is 46 years old? He became a Christian when he was 29 then?
He’s been married for 16 years. 1992; when he turned 30.

I have not been a practitioner of my Catholic upbringing since 1987; is my non practice the same as his not being a Muslim.

Don’t get me wrong; I don’t care if he was or he wasn’t; my point is: the Fib.

He is not a Muslim; but he was for more than half of his life, much longer than he has been a Christian.

The Reverend went on in one of his speeches about how Hillary Clinton was not raised as a black man in America.

I will go one further; neither was Barack Obama. I think that Barack Obama has lived a far more privileged and charmed life than most black Americans born in the 1960s did. He also never had to consider what it was like having had members of his family that had been slaves.

This is a point critical for some people both black and white, for let’s part the question of reparations? I think it is a fringe issue; nevertheless, a lot of people black and white have talked about it for many years. I have no opinion on it; do I assume that Barack Obama doesn’t either?

Moreso Reverend; I’m sure he never had too much trouble hailing a taxi in Cambridge.

These questions were once not obvious questions to ask; I think that they are now.

So now; for political sake, for the sake of the candidacy, for the sake of the U.S. of K.K.K.A. Barack Obama has dumped Jeremiah Wright. When he was talking to John Edwards, it was fine to state that there were Two Americas… as long as there were Too White Americas?

When I think of Barack Obama; I think of the character in the book Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, which could have been romantic; but in the end he decided that it was a matter of survival to shed his skin and assume personalities to pass through both white and black Americans without allowing his disgust for both of us to show.

No white America, white people may like Barack Obama flavor of the month, but Mr. Barack H. Obama Jr. does not like you back. No black America, black people may like Barack Obama; but he is no Medgar Evers and Mr. Barack H. Obama Jr, Jr. Senator from Illinois, born in Hawaii and went to Harvard, he does not like you either.
So it’s “Sorry Reverend; Thanks for the title for my book and the source inspiration of my perceived spirituality; but you is one crazy n****r!”

The Question is now, 'who really is this guy?' A radical, a charleton? It certainly isn't who he says he is. He tells us when he agrees with Hillary on issues; usually they are when they are issues he doesn’t have experience with and steals her experience to pose his privilege.
All talk and no action; sort of like a cowboy I know who is all Hat...


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