Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pity the Messenger
Barack Obama continues to make the political rounds to convince white America that he’s a little white; and to convince black America that he’s still black. Hyde Park rumbles the success of a ‘so called’ unprecedented speech, forgetting the hot water that Bill Cosby got into a few years ago or even Wynton Marsalis’ last recording speaking directly to black America about the possibility of losing a generation of changes that forbearers penetrated. These folks also haven’t spent any time watching Maya Angelou interviews or any of the perspectives that are usually aired each and every February.

Most people that have read the context of the speech, looked at the object psychology; albeit political necessity have found it to be rather sanguine posture disingenuously engaging in mock comparisons and the overall folly is that Barack Obama comes up short on the overall point: Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the Trinity United Church of Christ is not only volatile for a Christian church and in its most meanest sense a driving dividing line that states that no matter the credo; All Americans are not still Americans. I listened to Reverend Otis Moss III speak during an interview yesterday on NPR explain the nature of the church and it’s intent to still carry on in the manner of Reverend Wright; reinforcing the continuation of hate, disrespect and counter culture of black America versus white America.

But he can not quit; not being able to ensure that his base; not his fan base; but his base sticks with him. The same way that McCain can’t denounce the fringe maniacs on the polar end of Christianity. It’s a dilemma that takes more than leadership; but heart, more that intellectualizing; but guts; courage. Bigotry; no manner how one wants to cast it is still bigotry. What does Wright, Moss and Obama believe in? What do they have in store of American if they indeed are handed the keys?

America is a culture of frail behaviorists. As it has been mentioned; we enjoy being the best and we scorn those who by proxy deliver failure. The passions that follow the behavior of people like Wright are reflected now to Barack Obama because he has established himself as not being able to see the forest for the trees. The lack of ability for him to understand that the politics (not religion) of Jeremiah Wright, the disposition (not color) of his words are what people can not contend with. Barack Obama is out there asking for our empathy in his goal of protecting a hatemonger. Obama’s statement of crazy Uncle Jerry is sinister at best; what will he tell us of his wayward cousin Osama bin Laden? Obama has said that he is shaken by the uproar; but not the message. Well America is shaken too; distraught disappointed in the character of a man whom so many supposed had character.

Barack Obama should become a footnote in political history; rather than hailed for the stigma he has now attached to him and his supporters.

Perhaps some of his supporters would like to ask the only questions coming from his opponents

1. If a white minister preached sermons to his congregation and had used the "N" word and used rhetoric and words similar to members of the KKK, would you support a Democratic presidential candidate who decided to continue to be a member of that congregation?
2. Would you support that candidate if, after knowing of or hearing those sermons, he or she still appointed that minister to serve on his or her "Religious Advisory Committee" of his or her presidential campaign?
I hope my message gets to someone in the Obama campaign -- or to a reporter traveling with the Senator -- who can persuade Senator Obama to answer them directly. As I just wrote, he will have to do so -- either now or perhaps in the fall.


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