Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Thirst of the Crowd

Aye there matey! I think we have a chance to blow the lid off of this one.

That's what I saw in yesterday's news. The mea cupla that the public seems to be interested in came out as... Bill Clinton Bombed Iraq in 1998! The Congress voted for it! Tenet said it was a slam dunk!

For crying out loud.

I reflect back to the time when we were going to Red, Yellow, Orange at the drop of a hat. California closed the Golden Gate Bridge once. The republicans went after war heroes because they opposed a labor issue in the Patriot Act! It was like Joe Mc Carthy's Homecoming in Washington. I was ready to hear, Have you or have you ever known anyone Mr. Sisyphus that had been to Canada? Get em up against the wall and hand him a cigar folks, we's shootin today.... sorta 1950s American meets 1890s Russia. People were telling me that Iraq was going to drop Mustard Gas out of helicopters in soda cans and ruin my tomato plants.

Who was able to dissent?

Crap! It was all crap! And everyone in the congress and everyone in the Whitehouse knew it was crap, but the agenda was set and we were blood thirsty. Thirsty for a kill. Afganistan? Who are those guys anyway? Those were the guys who took the picture Kate Moss... oh yeah, that's right.

So are you dying of thirst? Is that because liquid propane is about $2.00 a gallon? Or is that because gasoline has deigned to drop to $2.25 for the next couple of weeks. How about that cost of living raise? Have you seen that yet? How about your tuition, that gone down? Nah, none of it has, but wait until you see what they agree upon this year. I can't wait.

So here is a couple of things to whet the whistle.

The speech. It makes good wall paper.

Corruption from the gate.

A plea.

Ethics 101.

And I like how the fact that
this got out is more important that what it really says about the new regime.

Just an analysis.

Keep your cards close.

You get what you pay for.

There is still plenty in the well America.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Takin It To the Streets

Wilhelm Reich wrote in the chapter The TrapThere must be something at work in human society that obstructs the asking of the correct question to reach the right answer. All human philosophy is riddled with the nightmare of searching in vain”. I’ll be honest, that is as much as I have read of the chapter. I almost feel as if I do not need to read anymore.

The pure joy of the crowd is immeasurable. We have witnessed with a gravity that is uncommon for my generation as of late.

My youth was spent preparing for this moment in time. In fact over the last few years I have seemingly been waiting if this moment was going to appear.

Paris is burning, well, perhaps parts of France. The riots have seeds of discrimination and classism. A curious harmony if you will. Alas, when we reach back in memory and peer into the dark cavern of memory to the victims in New Orleans. A government slow to act against what seemingly is a lower class issue. They walk among us, the murdered. As aspects the dead are so considerate to not speak. Over the weekend I watched the movie Rosewood again after a long time of not being able to emotionally deal with its horror. I remembered driving down the old Gulf Coast Highway through Sumter County listening to the story on the radio back in the early 1990s. There are many stories untold in this country. We fail to remember and when we do, we quickly forget. My question is, how long until we see the reflection of anguish once again that like those in the poor south?

But do we need to wait to see that something is postively amiss? I believe that today that corner has been begun to lose its temper.

I give call to the New York Times editorial, a statement that begs, “…it’s unnerving to realize that his presidency still has more than three years to run.” During this escapade we have yet to get the full accounting of what this so called group of leaders have done to lead us into a misshaped map of fictional trove. The Iraq War seems to become more and more of a calculated bombardment of concept, hypothesis and fabrication. A qualified engineering of squandered glory; the joy of the crowd bent on the illogical and bent philosophy of wounded children. When Bush and Cheney were elected we were told that the grown ups were back in charge, no more college dormitory parties. We didn’t want to hit a camel in the butt with a warhead; we wanted to charm the snakes in Baghdad.

The Bullmoose Blog holds no quarter with W.

This article by Daniel Benjamin on Cheney is pretty heady stuff as well.

But the drive to start to dig into the intelligence is starting to get some steam and I think for once someone on the side of the donkey is starting to stop thinking like a jack ass and more like a work horse. There are arguments to start interviewing policymakers and even speechwriters to see if they were influenced or knew that data was minipulated. There is a quest to get Bush to pledge No New Pardons for Libby. Perhaps the biggest item to come out is the declassified document DITSUM No. 044-02. This document apparently shows the shoddiness that Cheney exhibited while cherry picking his data.

I think it even has cutting room floor footage from The Rock….

I think if Cheney didn’t have more important things to do in the 1960s he would be less interested in torture. I think its amazing that oil is still around $60 a barrel and gasoline is around $2.25. Guess what that temporary gain is going to do to your heating bill? But, isn’t is a coinicidence that the polls think the president can do something about gas prices and as soon as his approval rating goes below 40% them prices start to fall? Nah, he can’t do anything about it. Buy now, pay later, that’s what I always say…Is anyone paying attention to this?

I hope that the drive to impeachment could begin tomorrow, but I understand that we need to build momentum to get there. The recent rumor is that Karl Rove isn’t going to get fired, but his wife and kid(s) miss him and that his important work is now done, so…. time to go to vacation in Bermuda. Could we be so lucky? I’m sure they have room for him over in the Green Zone. Has he been there at all? Anybody know?

I’m so used to working spontaneously that by time I get warmed up, I have to move on. But the key to this is, that most of the links that we have put out there have this information so if you want to dig through it the tools are there. My goal is always to get someone to think about the issues and pick a fight if you want.

Since Stansfield is taking a break from things, until he gets settled into his basement and the computer is glowing red hot and the keyboard worn to the nubs, I did get an exclusive interview with him this afternoon in the parking lot, and I quote, “Sisyphus, f*&&^%$@koe^%$#@!@!!!!”. That is all I can get past the censors. But I assure you he shares our outrage. Good luck Stansfield, we’ll keep the seat warm for ya!!

So. What does the pure joy of the crowd still thirst for?