Sunday, March 12, 2006

today is today is today is today

The MSM this week made claims that the Republican base is questioning the competence of the present administration. It is hard to imagine that it has taken the belief that handing over port security to United Arab Emirates to shake their resolve, but it has. If popularity minded, conformity based groups see that over 60% of the American people have considered everything to be upside down from the way it used to be, I guess you really see who your friends are.

I’m in no mood to say I told you so…

Now, the folks who oppose this group need to get a plan together. I do realize how much of an understatement that is. It is exactly what the rest of the MSM was saying all week. As long as they hide John Kerry and Howard Dean the Dems might have a chance. If they think tweddle dee and tweddle dum are what Americans are looking for I say just try selling those USFL season tickets on ebay….

There are a lot of smart people with good ideas out there. These are the people that Bill Clinton was reading and talking to in the early 90s. These people are still smart people with good ideas. It shouldn’t take much to develop a plan that is realistic and possible to draw contrast to the track record we have to compare to.

First and foremost is to try to get this President into step. We have given the rest of the world the finger. We have further alienated our enemies. We have something like a $7 Trillion dollar debt. Then draw the contrast to how the Congress has been phoning it in for the last several years. Most of all have a plan – say what you are going to do without being negative. Pay attention to this as well…It’s Competence STUPID!!!

It is the incompetence of this Administration that has been giving away the bank to big business and keeping wages frozen for the last several years. I bet by time ’08 comes along if this group hasn’t been kicked out or completely marginalized by then things will look increasingly like they did in 1992. The important part of competence is not saying you are smarter and not talking about how stupid the other guy is but it is showing what you can do and how you will do it better. A stable offense with a brutal defense is what wins games and takes you to the highest level.

Most of all forget about the past – and when the GOP cries Liberal – ask Neocons? and say that Liberalism no longer exists because except in the minds of FOX News – it doesn’t. Remind them that the Dems killed Welfare as we knew it. Dems balanced the Budget. Dems presided over the longest stretch of peace and prosperity that America had known in a long time and that counts for National Security. Ask them to explain where this Republican Liberalism exists except as a boogie man or is that the spend and spend Congress? Osama is more real than that boogie man; perhaps they should be fighting him instead of the phantoms in their mind.

So - good luck – go get them….


Ignored Intelligence

Impeachment Report

Impeachment Is In the House

A Switch In Time – Brookings Institute

Something from the Conservatives

and the Zebra Ranch