Thursday, March 06, 2008

You Say You Got a Real Solution

Well, You Know

We’d All Love to See the Plan


The Democratic Primary is taking yet another wicked turn. Are you surprised?

I’m not.

I think the Democrats are on the on verge of irrelevance.

For all the reasons they should be successful they will fail.

Howard Dean and his 50 state strategy is leaping to undo this primary season. His blatant support of a candidate, his power play on states who wish to empower their states to increase voter turnout and his inability to stop his party from unraveling amazes me.

First; I don’t know why the DNC has anything to say as to when a state has its primary?

Second; how does a DNC Chairman say to Florida with any seriousness, your votes don’t count?

I guess it doesn’t matter.

Howard Dean wants Barack Obama to be the Democratic Candidate for President without accepting the consequences of this choice. No one knows how anyone will govern; but generally they have a chance to govern. I am far more qualified for jobs I don’t even get consideration for; than this guy is to be President.

Like I said previously; if we were coming out of eight years of a Gore Administration, then I would say fine… But WE HAVE REAL SERIOUS PROBLEMS TO DEAL WITH…

I must admit that I openly support Hillary Clinton for President. She was here recently in my state, we went to see her speak, and we also went up north and checked out Bill. I think I helped her win the state by volunteering on the phone.

I say this; the country has taken a slight turn to the Left. BHO has capitalized on this and will try to go to the center but it will be the same fashion that George W. Bush did in 2000; he used Communitarian language and we see where it went but this time it would be the polar opposite.

We need PROVEN policy, PROVEN solutions, PROVEN foreign relations.

At this point I can only make an emotional plea. It only makes sense because that’s all that the debate up to now has been emotion.

We have a faith healer out there; people are sending money like they do the television evangelists hoping that they can pay for a little bit of healing. Faith is a tricky thing; we tend to believe what we want rather than to believe the way things actually are.

Everyone wants a messiah, the Right believes that the War in Iraq is symbiotic of the Book of Revelations; the Left see this speaker as a revolution. (There is only one person sitting in the middle.)

Take into consideration; a revolution is a paradigm change based on a set of ideas. What we don’t have yet is the set of ideas. The last revolution that was not based on a set of ideas had blood in the streets and everyone’s head in a basket.

I believe that there are a lot of activities that we are not prepared for that fall into the welling of the American extreme Left. We have a candidate that has picked up on the Ralph Nader crowd and let’s call it the violent left.

Just this week we had several actions that state the violence of the Left (look up the Weather Underground). There was arson in Washington State and IED in Times Square. I put this on a linear aggression that is associated with the psychological pathology that arcs to this inability to control oneself when this confused ideology believes it has a powerful ally.

We have some time before the Pennsylvania Primary; I say, lets wait and see… take your time Super Delegates, think about what following the swoon will get you.

Also Howard Dean; you complete bungling idiot… count Florida as it is and pay for new primary elections in Michigan. Tell this to the people before the end of the day tomorrow or step down from the Chairmanship… Please for the good of the party.

Anyhow… tell your friends...

More later…


© woundedlordliterature