Saturday, October 01, 2005

Ain't That America

The Government Accountiblity Office has told the Bush Adminstration that it's not nice to fool Mother Nature. In more ways than one, Mother Nature has been inching closer to forming a concerted effort to undo the mystique surrounding the efforts of the adminstration. Apparently covert propaganda is not only something we have to be protected from Terrorists; it seems that the Bush Administration should not push that poison on the American people either.

Let me see, do you think they do this with malice or the administration just seems to have no self control? Before we had Judith Miller getting out of jail. There were some disputed words about justifying the war in Iraq. Those words took on an infamy of those sixteen words. We were made to believe that it was just overlooked by the CIA at the time. Most people gave that a pass. Joe Wilson puts out an Op-Ed in the NY Times, then bam, we find out it was because of his noisy wife the CIA undercover operative. Well, we were not suppose to find that out, but did anyway, because well, darn, she has a desk job and has not been undercover-undercover really in a long long time. And what about that tax cut of trillions of dollars? What were we told about all of that?

But, the information we were given about the WMD did not turn out to be true. Valerie Plame seemed to be the first casualty before any shots were fired. Today it was announced that five more were killed from small farming communities in north east Pennsylvania. We have a small version of the Korean War going on in Afganistan that most people do not consider when it comes to topics about the war. But what is being left out there as well? Did we stop the hunt on Osama? Are we helplessly drifting along in some surreal state believing anything that we see or hear? Is there a question? Is this for real? Are we complacent enough to accept the energy crisis as something that will get better eventually, that we are doing this for the greater good of the world? Who is being helped? Are we enabling a situation much like a spouse enables a alcoholic or abuse? Do we agree with the war because the folks who run the peace movement are still holding on to an old war and can not find credible points to argue with now? We can not cut and run. We can not stand pat. But these guys have filled our heads with so much crap, that I do not see how anyone considers them credible anymore.

They said they could not see Osama coming. They said they could not see the levees breaking and the flooding of New Orleans coming. They said they could not see the insurgency in Iraq coming. Who knew there were no WMD? We said the UN did not say there were no WMD in Iraq. They say they could not see Osama leaving Afganistan coming. They say they could not see the flu vaccine issue last year coming. They say that there is nothing we can do about gas prices, did not see that coming. They say that China buying up all of our debt, not a bad thing. They say that the deficit is a good thing. They said they would not comment during the Enron scandal except to say that some in their family got screwed as well. In the mean time the states economic systems are pushed to the limit. How long before interest rates begin to climb again? How long before the dollar takes a nose dive? Wow, I am pessimistic, for real, but I have not seen this country in this state of affairs in such a long time and no one seems to care. Remember how crazy Al Gore seemed back in 2000 when he spoke of the type of language that Bush was using? Really, who is this guy George W. Bush and why is he driving us ninety miles an hour down a one way street? When do we really get that sucker punch gasping for air sensibility back to our system?

And really, what the hell was Bill Bennett thinking? Personally- I have always thought the guy to be a wanker. He was the biggest jerk on TV during the Clinton Administration. This is not the first time he has brilliantly pontificated. He did wonders for education during the Reagan Administration, yes Bill, I am one of the lucky! Stansfield posted it well the other day. I think everyone should read it and comment to him. As one of my old friends was found of saying about one of our co-workers, his old man should have jerked off and let it fly out the window. If that happened perhaps bigotry would be cut in half. It is purely hypothetical musings though Bill. I am waiting for the old Republican stand by, "I know Bill Bennett and he's a heck of a guy. I don't know why everyone is picking on him". Of course in light of New Orleans the Bush Adminsitration had to take a step back.

Well, Sisyphus sees that the appearence of the state of affairs is a bit murky, but I believe that somewhere along the lines Mother Nature will use her forces for the greater good. Perhaps we will find that magic ticket that grants us full access out of the dim lit rooms that run across the landscape of American heritage. That we will realize that being American comes with responsibilities that need to be aired out the moth balls when our leaders lack the vision and the courage to right the ship during the storms.

Friday, September 30, 2005

I always attempt to hear a person out. Henry Rollins, one of my favorite artists, stresses the need and importance of listening in particular to your enemies or those you disagree with. One should know every aspect of their views so that you can come up with an educated and strong counterpoint.

So that’s why I link first to this interview with Bill Bennett and his attempt to explain the comments he made several days ago. In case you missed his original statement:

Bennett said, "But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down."

He went on to call that "an impossible, ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky."

Yes, that’s right! It is impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible! Why even state something like this? Free speech is wonderful, but this transcends the boundaries of common decency. You can read his explanation for yourself, and it actually does shed a bit of light on the context of the statement.

I am a Christian. Being so, I get automatically lumped in with that ‘Christian Right’ group that is associated with people like this, Pat Buchanan, and the like. As a Christian, I am supposed to vote straight-ticket Republican, apparently be a bigoted jerk, and not associate with pagans who don’t believe in God.

I’m sick of it. If you are one of those people who think the ‘Christian Right’ is a true political party, I would like to introduce you to the hate-filled statements of Bill Bennett. Here’s a little secret; God is not a Republican. Or a Democrat, for that matter. And while I can’t claim to know the divine thoughts of the creator, I can betcha that God is not down with the idea of aborting black babies to reduce the crime rate. Christians – hell, every decent American – should stand up and refuse to be counted with the likes of Mr. Bennett.

Want to talk God? I’m all for it. I love a good discussion about Christianity, Islam, any religion, and I promise to respect your views.

Want to preach hate and claim to be ‘Godly’? You’ve missed the entire point of being a Christian and I do not want my name tied to yours in any way.

And here’s what saddens me. I know ‘Christians’ who will be more upset about the fact that I as a Christian like Henry Rollins’ views and used the word ‘hell’ in my post than Bill Bennett’s statements.

‘So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.’ (Matthew 7:12)

I therefore urge again, it is time to form the Republic of Common Sense and Homeland Support. I promise, free speech for all until you prove you're an idiot.

Stansfield out.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Chick Pea Is Neither A Chick, Nor A Pea

Judith Miller has been release from jail. The sources say I. Lewis Libby, VP's chief of staff has released her from her promise of confidentiality. Lets wait and see what happens in the Plame Game. Could this be what saves Mr. Rove from folly? Or is this just one more thing that Americans can add to the cache of politics of revenge? Libby, if I recall, seems to be in the middle of the wrong things. If I remember correctly, did he not leak information that eventually sunk Bill Clinton with Monica?

Ohio or Hollywood?

Check out this Defiance!

Natural Gas, That Is Unnatural

There should be a revolution! Would you classify this as boom or bust? These people are stealing from us and it is being completely supported by this administration. I would like to go back to the Enron power outages in California and compare those to what is happening now to the rest of America. How did we let this happen?

Is this a REAL Energy Crisis? Or is it a Big Lie? Is this American Can-Do Spirit? Is it time that the Main Stream Media takes a good hard look into what is happening! As the no-bid contracts go out to super industries and profits climb; I am surprised that no where is there the capacity to manufacture more, purchase more trucks, hire more people, reopen the refineries that had been turned down in hopes to get easier EPA guidelines.

Mars, bitches!

What needs to happen for the public to be outraged!! When do we get appalled and attempt to hold the Administration accountable?? Why are we allowing this revolt of the Elites and believe that this is an economy that is working? When do we stop taking hook, line and sinker that this is a result of 9/11/01. When do we look out any window and see who is smugly, quietly taking us to the cleaners. America when will you get your soul back? America when will you really start to take back your country!

Fear Itself

The greatness of a national tragedy is that it brings out the instinct of society. We can, objectively search out and see who is who and what is what in the severe judgment that circulates.

Blame the Victim

Brownie willingly fell on his sword but now says I don’t know what everyone was so upset about. "every state, in every disaster, has a complaint about FEMA.” he is quoted telling congress today. The kid has real moxie. Yes, Brownie is B for brains. I think Brownie should get the James Watt Award for lifetime achievement. Really, you deserve it.

And there is this opinion that gives an example of who was invited to share the spoils. Any one of them have ties to New Orleans?

But Georgie boy will not let his friends down, even at this desperate moment in his presidency. Ultra Conservative Popular Elect-Al Gore take notice, Bush has suggested that once again he is willing to tap the petroleum reserves even though we have No Crude Oil Shortage! [Georgie not only learned what not to do from Pops, he also remembers bumps in the polls that Honest Al got!]. Of course how does this help us? It strains the supply of crude that the manufactures would usually get so we can refill the salt caverns so we have higher prices for longer. I think I liked it better when he was on vacation and not paying attention. Besides jumping into Al Gore’s Earth Tones, he has decided to go for the Nobel Prize Jimmy Carter’s sweater. Yes, my good friends, Georgie boy has asked us all to sacrifice. George asked everyone “to avoid unnecessary trips”. George also suggested all that alternative nuclear energy will go a long long way to making drive time more efficient. Bush is also B for brains.

Breaking News

Eddie Compass the New Orleans Police Superintendent has put up his saddle in a stunning announcement. I must say I am a little perplexed to see a comment like, no one will say if he was forced to resign! Forced to resign? I double checked that is what was said. It really makes you wonder what the hell is going on in the Big Easy. What is behind those closed doors?

As Stansfield showed in the earlier post, the FDA commissioner quit. Then Don Adams suspiciously dies (or murdered). Oh the conspiracy. The last man to defend us from Kaos! 86 where are you? I have an ill feeling about Compass, the last man standing, going out to pasture. I suppose after digging up 880 + (so far) of the people you are paid to protect and with friends like Russert and Brownie out there protecting his flank where else do you turn?

I say that the City of New Orleans owes this Man some great tribute when it is all said and done!

Under the Radar

Wow, this can’t be a good story for anyone. I find this guys name everywhere nowadays, lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Friends, keep an eye on this guy. If you want to get some real information on Mr. Abramoff try TPM he as been keeping a running log on his current events.

I can add Senator Frist’s SEC picnic to other things that are under the radar. I guess the Bushies don’t want him to run for president in ’08. I will add the Frumpy Tom DeLay and Fancy Pants Karl Rove to the deepening Clintonian Physics of 2005.

We ought to just cut to the chase, hey Rupert Murdoch can you get these guys a time slot in-between O’Reilly and Hannity? It’ll happen in three years anyway. I wish I could remember the ramble that Will Hunting gave to the NSA director in that movie.

And what about Iraq? The sequel is now called Behind the Green Zone – The Many Orifices of the American Public.

Nobody wants to forget about the Able Danger ruckus, do they? Does it not sound a lot like Abu Ghraib?

Why Hope Remains

I have been also called a big baby

The Boss

Mopar or No Car

What else can a poor boy do, 'cept sing for a rock and roll band...

Now that Stansfield has projected his computer genius to Sisyphus, I may be able to master this little beast of a posting mechanism and add my post (tonight) from the other day that will seem a trite behind the times, but I think worth the effort to go forward anyway.

Honor and Intergity or Ring of Fire?

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
White House procurement official David Safavian
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist
White House senior advisor Karl Rove
Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff

I'm sure that's not the end of even the appearance of wrong doing for this White House.

Georgie boy's polls are in the dumper, there was another huge explosion in Iraq, gas prices are reported to be ready to soar, he can not even seem to give the allusion to Americans that we are drifting too far from the shore. I listened to Highway 61 Revisited this morning on the way in to work and was listening to Bob's Tombstone Blues

Well, John the Baptist after torturing a thief
Looks up at his hero the Commander-in-Chief
Saying, "Tell me great hero, but please make it brief
Is there a hole for me to get sick in?"

The Commander-in-Chief answers him while chasing a fly
Saying, "Death to all those who would whimper and cry"
And dropping a bar bell he points to the sky
Saying, "The sun's not yellow it's chicken""

Am I the only one to see the irony?

These scandals will play out in their own fashion. If one was to poke in again at the TPM Cafe scroll to Meet
Roy Blunt and you can see what is flying under the radar.

Boys of Summer

Its bittersweet to see coming of age in the works. New York is the greatest town for baseball. So, as the
sun seeks the shadows... I tip my hat.

And here's one for the
sun also rises...

Look soon for stories on the great new boxing towns of Tampa and St. Petersburg!

Lowlife Guide

Finally, what could be better for a
Memphis fan than a new movie about the city built on a bluff.

Command By the Bay

I almost forgot one of the most interesting stories to come up that I am sure can be added to the Ethics wing of the current cluster. I somehow think this will be a creeping giant.

What is it about?

-more later.

Here's a link to an early review of the film, 'Capote', that I wrote about a couple days ago.

It's safe to say I'm excited over this film. Unfortunately, no theater in Columbus has yet picked it up for distribution. Perhaps they will once the buzz gets a little louder.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

While Sisyphus may love Sundays, I'm a Saturday man myself. College football, you know. But this past Saturday, I had the experience of watching CNN and FoxNews report on Rita's landfall. Several things jumped out at me.

Two severe hurricanes hitting the same general area in less than a month is not the Bush administration's fault. Nor is it the fault of the poor who lived there and could not/would not leave while they had the chance. Perhaps it is just me, but the attitude with which the conflicting news organizations portray thesese events is sickening. The blame game was set to begin anew before Rita's waves even hit the shore.

At one point, I masochistically did picture in picture of the two channels. I was able to watch one channel berate the president’s Rita efforts, while the other questioned the intelligence and will of those so poor they were unable to leave Rita’s path.

I hate television for this very reason. Were it not for college football, I would be rid myself of this idiot box. These news organizations, as they claim to be, were missing the story so they could bitch and moan in defense of a viewpoint.

To be sure, there was coverage of the area getting hit by the storm, but it seemed to be done in passing compared to the grandstanding by the so-called unbiased news channels.

And quietly, overshadowed (and rightly so) by this whole hurricane mess, was the resignation of FDA commissioner Crawford, a mere two months after the Senate confirmed him. One has to wonder how much the emergency contraceptive back-and-forth wore on Crawford. Was he told by the powers-that-be to delay the approval of the drug, and finally got tired of being a roadblock against proven science? I would like to hear more about this development…but then I’d have to turn on that television again.

As I said, I only own a television to watch college football. So finally, I, Stansfield, would like to congratulate the Ohio State Buckeyes on their win this weekend. In case you missed it, OSU won the toss and elected to kick the living crap out of Iowa. Good stuff.

Stansfield out.

P.S. - I am in no way related to this Stansfield.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sisyphus loves Sunday. I love it for the influx of information that pools and eddies and gives me something to yell at Harley about. He won’t make coffee but he sure does dig politics.

I’m not going to rant and rave but I am going to call out Tim Russert of Meet the Press. I’ve been watching him the last few years. I haven’t always liked the Teddy Bear approach to things. Somewhere along the lines during the Clinton turmoil, he emerged to me as slightly reasoned, or at least, everyone else just seemed, I don’t know: painful?

Russert spoke today with Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard. If you saw the show a few weeks ago, this interview was painful and thrilling all in one. Russert spoke to Broussard about Thomas Rodrigue, the Jefferson Parish emergency services director. Broussard bitterly complained weeks ago about the fact that through all the chaos, Rodrigue couldn’t save his mother. Russert decided to call him out on some of the details of Broussard’s exceptional emotional out pouring. Every time I see it, I find it emotionally compelling. Russert didn’t let him know what was coming. Taken totally off the mark I will paste in Broussard’s response.

From the Meet the Press transcript:

Mr. Broussard: Listen, sir, somebody wants to nitpick a man's tragic loss of a mother because she was abandoned in a nursing home? Are you kidding? What kind of sick mind, what kind of black-hearted people want to nitpick a man's mother's death? They just buried Eva last week. I was there at the wake. Are you kidding me? That wasn't a box of Cheerios they buried last week. That was a man's mother whose story, if it is entirely broadcast, will be the epitome of abandonment. It will be the saddest tale you ever heard, a man who was responsible for safekeeping of a half a million people, mother's died in the next parish because she was abandoned there and he can't get to her and he tried to get to her through EOC. He tried to get through the sheriff's office. He tries every way he can to get there. Somebody wants to debate those things? My God, what sick-minded person wants to do that?

What seems to be the biggest failure at this point over the whole Katrina mess is the mere fact that the levee broke. Wasn’t the Army Corps of Engineers responsible for the levee? Who is primarily accountable for that Corps? It is my understanding from what I have read in the early days of the tragedy is that New Orleans got $0.06 for every $1.00 that they requested for levee repair. The received monies had gone down for the last five years. Five years ago the New Orleans Times-Picayune had an interesting article about the situation. It is seen to be extraordinarily prophetic. [It’s extremely accessible on the website and kudos to the paper for its reporting during the storm]. The point is; I hear little from anybody that focuses on that. I don’t think I can even get one of my beloved Jolly Rancher candies for $0.06.

The whole episode has lent me to think of Randy Newman’s great collection called Land of Dreams and I will give you a quote that epitomizes what has happened here. Believe it or not, it is more than a revolt of the elites; it is a total disregard for the respect of human dignity. This is from the song Roll with the Punches.

There's all these boring people, you see 'em on the TV
And they're making up all these boring stories
About how bad things have come to be
They say "You got to, got to, got to feed the hungry"
"You got to, got to, got to heal the sick"
I say we ain't gotta do nothin' for nobody
'Cause they won't work a lick, you know
They just gonna have to roll with the punches, yes they will
Gonna have to roll with them
They gonna have to roll with the punches, yes they will
It don't matter whether you're white, black or brown
You won't get nowhere putting down
The old Red, White and Blue
Tap it baby. Alright.
Look at those little shorts he's got on, ladies and
You can see all the way to
Get it
So pretty

I would like to commend the Ohio State and Wisconsin football programs. Hopefully the beloved Buccaneer’s will have the same luck!