Sunday, July 23, 2006

Or Is It Betrayal

I asked the other day; are we in a Revolution?

I think the answer is yes and we just have to open our eyes a little to see it. I have mentioned before a book by Christopher Lasch called “The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy”. I read this book several years ago. During the same period I began to read “The Spirit of Community The Reinvention of American Society” by Amitai Etzioni; this is about the so called ‘Third Way’. I recommend both.

I want to quote from the first book briefly

“it is not just that the masses have lost interest in revolution; their political instincts are demonstrably more conservative that those of their self-appointed spokesmen and would-be liberators. It is the working and lower middle classes, after all that favor limits on abortion, cling to the two-parent family as a source of stability in a turbulent world, resist experiments with “alternative lifestyles,” and harbor deep reservations about affirmative action and other venture in large-scale social engineering.” That was 1995.

The book sights many people now that are in the blog-sphere chatting away. I found this to be insightful because I believe this has been turned against America. Around this time the middle class picked up its pieces and went to school, learned a new trade, got involved in the ‘new technology’…only to get bitch slapped by the next administration.

The War on Terror…has been the single biggest scam ever set forth against the American people. It has been proven time and time again to be a charade. The major cities are not prepared; the ports are unprotected etc etc.etc… Dick Cheney’s impotent bravery allows his state and his Maryland home to be protected. As well, the states that votes for and blindly cooperates with the Administration they have some funding to support more red tape…

In the mean time we cut taxes because that stimulates the economy. We go to war because people still believe that stimulates the economy. We allow illegal aliens into the country because that stimulates the economy. We will NOT provide guidance for a living wage nor do we allow raising the minimum wage…because well…giving poor people more money hurts the economy. It takes money away from rich people and that my friend is bad.

Of course one of the few tax hikes that this administration has authorized has been pushing local governments on gasoline. Most every state in the union has had to raise taxes on gasoline.

But neveryoumindthat.

Think about it America…all the promise that we had six years ago. How much of that has evaporated into thin air. The cost of gasoline is going up, not down. We thought there would be a recession when we got to $40 a barrel for crude we have nearly doubled that. No – the recession did not come…it looms for the next poor bastard who gets the job as POTUS.

Think about it for awhile. Wages have frozen and here is the official explanation, “``Increases in real wages are entirely consistent with low inflation, there is no contradiction," he (Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke) said in his second day of testimony to Congress on the Fed's assessment of the economy.”


So – as we go to the grocery and what yesterday was $200 is now $300 and when your review comes and it is half of what you expect and you go to the pump and what used to cost $30 is now $60…count on your fingers how many dead terrorists you can name. Ask yourself where Osama is? Then ask yourself…who is making all the money? Who is going to have more money than G-d when they spend the rest of their life on the taxpayer’s dime?

In the meantime forget health care, good bye Social Security, forget about any help from this government once you are old enough to stop paying into the war machine. Plan on working until the day you die…these guys won’t.

Hey…at least we have our pride…

Here is some old related thoughts
