Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Re-Birth of the Modern

part the first

Stansfield and I have been rustling in the weeds lately thinking about a third party. We like the notion of bringing back the Bull Moose Party, for probably the opposite reasons. The idea here is something to consider because outside of a miracle; history has a bad way of repeating itself.

The mood I feel in my metaphysical tea leaves is the spirit of 1979. The funny thing about it is; it has come up in conversation during the week and I see it on the TV and I hear it on the radio. What I don’t mean is bowl haircuts and the reemergence of three chord rock and roll.

What I mean is the malaise that savaged our American Spirit.

The Republican’s had Reagan. The Independent’s had Anderson. And the Democrat’s, well, they had Teddy.

Somehow I think the role will reverse. But where oh where can our dark horse be? The vacuum of space just expands, expands and expands. At least we have the war until 2009 or later…as the President announced the other day; that’s a problem for the next president. (Why change the pattern of every other mess he’s started…)

Well, if it’s the problem for the next president…..

WHAT ARE WE WAITIN FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kick the bums out; PLEASE!!!

Here is my basic challenge…Let’s be Americans…Let’s show Leadership… Let’s become our own Hero’s… We need to become that Generation…the next greatest generation…Let the Modern’s be Born Again…


Here are a couple of reasons the war has to last that long. G. W. Bush has to help out the family first. I stole these leads from Dan Froomkin’ Signs of Change

This is how Mom helps…

This is why Uncle Wiggly’s no longer poor…

I love that he paints the flag every chance he can get…just makes me so proud as an American.

I have a report for lessons learned for all you Iraqi ISO9001 fans.

Because I would rather not be completely bogged down with the blues… I have some alternative links.

Who said size didn’t matter?

Ode to the Immortal

I have this for all of you who badgered me for years to get rid of it and I said that one day it would be cool and I wouldn’t have one any more…and I don’t and not for the reasons I had hoped….

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Rhino Therapy

(See Ionesco)

From: Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

“Now, every action of which ignorance is the cause is not-voluntary, but that is only involuntary which is attended with pain and remorse; for clearly the man who has done anything by reason of ignorance, but is not annoyed at his own action, cannot be said to have done it with his will because he did not know he was doing it, nor again against his will because he is not sorry for it.

So then of the class “acting by reason of ignorance”, he who feels regret afterwards is thought to be an involuntary agent, and him that has no such feeling, since he certainly is different from the other, we will call a not-voluntary agent; for as there is a difference it is better to have a proper name.

Again, there seems to be a difference between acting because of ignorance and acting with ignorance: for instance, we do not usually assign ignorance as the cause of actions of the drunken or angry man, but either the drunkenness or the anger, yet they act not knowingly but with ignorance.

Again, every bad man is ignorant what he ought to do and what to leave undone, and by reason of such error men become unjust and wholly evil.”

What the hell is America talking about?

That seems to be the question of the day.

I no longer believe that Americans are even on topic anymore.

I added that rather large quote above because, well you cannot state ignorance simply; as it is explained, ignorance is complicated.

Who knew?

So I ask two questions:

Is the Administration Incompetent or Ignorant?

Are Americans Incompetent or Ignorant?

I ask these questions because I no longer know. There is such a complete disconnect with reality; with the denial of any type.

I don’t think I am preaching to the converted here; I have not witnessed it…so to speak. On the contrary; the converted don’t read this site.

Two things I have heard in the last couple of weeks in defense of the Iraq War.

1. If we had the mindset of some people today in 1776, we would have never won the Revolutionary war.

2. Donny Rumsfield said in his op-ed in the WaPo that if we left now, it would be the same thing as giving Germany back to the Nazi’s after WW2.

Ask any professor of Logic. Both of these things defy logic. I have heard the first quote several times; but lastly on Wolf Blitzer’s Situation Room this past week. And Wolf (unlike his nickname), just went moving right along to the next unchallenged subject. As well Donna Brazile just smiled and said something that I stopped listening to because well…I don’t remember the last thing she has ever said that I listened to.

Two things that are inherently clear to me:

1. The Iraq War and the American Revolutionary War have nothing to do with one an other.

2. The Iraq War and the US involvement in WWII have nothing to do with one an other.

But: the Iraq War and the Korean War and the Vietnam War have striking similarities. That being said: Who is able to believe this logic that has been leveled? Who?

Do You Believe This?

Did France come to America in the late 1700s and liberate us from England?

Did the Arab countries save Europe from Nazi domination?

Did this happen?

I believe; we by our own choice decided to fight the war against England in the 1700s. I do believe that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and that started our involvement in WW2! I do believe that Britain and France welcomed our involvement in WW2, that we indeed had been supporting the resistance of Britain and France and joined in the Battle for Europe. Does anybody else remember this from their History Class from 1st grade???

I am beside myself with this unbelievable scope. I can understand how America thought that Iraq could be involved in 9/11. I don’t know how they could believe that Iraq could be involved in 9/11.

Now that I got that off of my chest….

The new National Security Strategy came out this month. It restated the controversial Bush Doctrine, justified the Iraq War and added this little whammy; we reserve the right to use Nuclear Weapons as a first strike option in our pre-emptive philosophy. Hell-o!

Safe, credible, and reliable nuclear forces continue to play a critical role. We are strengthening deterrence by developing a New Triad composed of offensive strike systems (both nuclear and improved conventional capabilities)... These capabilities will better deter some of the new threats we face, while also bolstering our security commitments to allies....If necessary, however, under long-standing principles of self-defense, we do not rule out the use of force before attacks occur, even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack. When the consequences of an attack with WMD are potentially so devastating, we cannot afford to stand idle by as grave dangers materialize. This is the principle and logic of preemption.” (Quote from NSS)

The Federation of American Scientists have this to say about it.

This idea will surely deter those folks in Iran and North Korea. Not to mention the message it sends to the rest of the world. I used to say that Don Rumsfield was a paranoid schizophrenic before 9/11 even happened. I am now convinced that theVeep and the Secretary of Defense are plotting to reinstate former President Gerald Ford as the Supreme Ruler of the Universe!!! These two are madmen!

Curiously Dick Cheney in an interview with Bob Schieffer this Sunday morning on Face the Nation gave this Freudian slip when talking about President Bush leadership skills; he said that he “takes tough decisions”. I find that to be indictable; “he takes tough decisions” ? “he does what I tell him” is what that sound like. (…just because of the subject line and the type of questioning that Cheney was responding to. If you recall the pantomimes of a liar…) Hmmm?

The big to-do other than the typical this week was about Censuring the President. In the last two weeks or so, there has been more and more talk about Impeachment and Censure. This is what the public says.

The common analogy is how this helps the Republicans make the Democrats look soft on Security? Perhaps it is jumping the gun a little bit without the benefit of a report of the legality of the question that Bush broke the law. Perhaps…but as I said before about the statements of John Murtha about a re-deployment months ago; it has opened up the conversation of: Is this a good idea?

But by saying it automatically helps the Republican’s is false because they are the ones in charge of the oversite. Who then is minding the store?

It may seem a little like showboating, but to tell you the truth it is pretty serious. One can’t simply put that out there without someone asking how serious it is. What is harmful is that there is no alternative on the table. So- we get rid of this guy or tell him he’s been bad; then what? What do we do? Should we stay or should we go?

The alternate voices can no longer just flail their arms in complaint. After all, there are real lives at stake, American, Allied and Iraqi lives that are on the line. This Administration has botched up quite a bit; but no need in making things any worse.

I do think at least, these guys should not be allowed to make the decisions anymore. How else to stop that from happening than with Impeachment.

We look at this again,"every bad man is ignorant what he ought to do and what to leave undone, and by reason of such error men become unjust and wholly evil".

Even if you ask What Would Jesus Do? He might say, “Crucify-Them!!! Happy Easter!”

There is this editorial about the Centralized Power of this Administration.

So- without a bloody revolution I suggest Impeachment after the mid-term elections. I also would like to hear arguments for and against a Censure in the mean time. It’s not like Congress is doing anything else to help the public.

I suggest a redeployment.

I suggest an Arab and Turkish (aren’t they vested in Good Will?) coalition to replace Allied forces leaving.

I suggest having a significant number of military and law enforcement advisers to remain behind in stealth that can advise non-politically.

I suggest to re-establish the “no-fly zone” Iraq with the air surveillance that we used before the war.

I suggest we limit the view of American involvement in every possible way.

I suggest we find Osama bin Laden…here is my hint: He’s in Saudi Arabia in his father’s home.

I suggest we apologize to the world by saying, “we really thought we were helping.”

….these are only my suggestions…

Oh wait; Wolf says, Bush has an important statement….

“We’re making progress in Iraq – Iraqi people voted in December – He’s encouraged by the progress – 3rd Anniversary for the liberation of Iraq – I reflected on the service members who are serving the country – we should offer thanks to those who serve – we will be more secure with a victory in Iraq – God Bless Our Troops In Iraq”

Does anybody see what I’m talking about? I am more ignorant for having listened to it. The US Ambassador of Iraq says Iraq is in a civil war, but Bush says we are making progress. (all in the same news cycle)

Q: Was it then our intention to totally screw it up? A: It must have been.

“Made it Ma! top of the World!”

The Rest of the Stories:

A story of family values

Another story of family values

The New Scooter Libby

Have Gun Will Travel

I think this would be fun to be a part of, call me old-fashion.

Next Week:
How Saddam Hussein Is Responsible for Duke’s Dominance In College Basketball and How American Intervention Will Stop It.