Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Future Is Now

As headlines go, that may be a bit misleading. I am going to conquer the challenge let’s hope.

Unfortunately my private life has kept me busier that a one legged man in an ass kicking contest but I have the next few weeks to myself. Vacation: that earned entitlement that keeps you fighting the good fight. I’ve been skimming over the headlines the last few days, I will offer up my thoughts mostly.

The stories that jump out at me the most are the ones about the presidential bubble and the poll numbers. For a president who doesn’t look at those numbers he is sure out there acting like he intuitively knows what they mean. (He’s in trouble.) Could I be correct?

The last few months have been watershed and it’s time for pay dirt. A campaign for popularity is the only thing these guys understand. It is that and only that. It is time for the so called calling in of favors and dumping the ideals to the wayside.

That may not be too bad. IF they come up with the money for the Bayou relief that is necessary, IF they don’t find away around the Torture deal, IF they are earnest in keeping heating bills down then why quibble about the motivation. It’s just that they wait until the business sector gains something from it. Windfall profits first, American citizen’s second.

I think of the Gayle Sayers book, I Am Third. It is not the same meaning, but you get the point.

So as they wake up and smell the coffee, I wonder if the American people will. Do we decide to take this as the best we can be offered or do we reach out and expect better? I think we can expect better. This meeting the minimal expectation is going to become a great decline in the overall ambition of this country.

If Reagan did nothing else he propagated a feeling of getting better. He failed in a great many aspects. I personally couldn’t stand the man. Clinton grabbed that enthusiasm and propelled us to a greater meaning. Then we get the Bush second coming and fess up to red headed step child treatment. (It’s the truth Bush huggers!)

So over the holidays, spend time thinking about what you have witnessed this year. Do you want something better? Do you expect to be concerned about anything in your personal life? Keep in mind, unless you find yourself in the category of a poll you are out of luck.

My advice is kiss your spouse, kiss your kids, pet the dog and pay the pastor and get ready for the fight of your life. I expect next year to be a year to remember more so than any in the past.

The future is now. Make your goals, feed your ambitions and jump in with both feet.

If you don’t hear from me until next year, have a safe and happy holiday season.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Greener Pastures

It seems that the political machines are wimpering in their bedrooms, biting their pillows under the guide of their idealism. The Democrats are listing at sea because they don't understand what Murtha was talking about. The Republicans, well, let's rewrite history again and see if anyone notices. The good news is the media has kept a pretty good eye on the verbage.

I will nod to some great leaders in their perspective areas.

Richard Pryor

Eugene McCarthy

Bud Carson

Some more questions about 9/11.