Saturday, October 29, 2005

America, when will you be angelic?

Yesterday was filled with good news and bad news depending on what side of the fence you are on. But if your name is Karl Rove, you still have that feeling of taking candy from a baby, but you know that the baby knows who you are.... I can only imagine the Special Counsel will meditate for awhile and get buyers remorse and go after the head of the monster.

This is what we have. I. Lewis Libby indictment. I have a side story that I think is related to the smell of dead fish on the radiator. It's not only that they have been dishonest with the public, they have as well been disingenuous with the other trusts that the public has given the administration. I don't have a link for it, but it has yet to develope into a story, but the Italians are having a hard time explaining the forged documents that started the whole Niger story.

I found some info for the progrss that is in Iraq. This is data more than anything. If one is interested in digging through more study, this is a helpful link.

I think tomorrow, when the spin begins, we will be able to judge how for real these guys take the rule of law and the serious need to have the American people trust them. Up to now, I have not been convinced that they care. If tomorrow the talk is about an overzealous witch hunt and not about the sanctity of the government, I will at least be disappointed. What will concern me more is how it is reported and refuted. As the saying goes, any fool can grab a tiger by the balls, but it takes a hero to keep on squeezing them. Who will be our hero? Teddy Roosevelt is dead, so is JFK, where are the leaders of America? Where are the so called leaders who are willing to put it all aside and go for the dividing forces and try to reunite this confounded union? Biden? McCain? Clinton? Cuomo? Graham? Gore? Sound off if you got a pair!!!!! What about you Dowd, what Romance is in these Impeachable neckties?

One last item that I found today at the supply store, see Trade Winds Blow Farm Bill Off Course. Even the Red States get it from behind from these guys. In states like mine farm land is a premium because it is easier to sell 300 acres than to farm them. I remember how Georgie boy spoke about putting an end to urban sprawl in 2000. All I see is sprawl. The unfortunate part of that is Nobody will stand up and do anything about it. We'll be talking about American farms with the type of nostalgia people now reserve for the innocence of yesterday.

Remember on the rhetoric heard, it is not the words but the meaning behind the words.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

When the Whip Comes Down.....

Tic toc tic toc.... someone mentioned water torture, and I agree.

What is becoming more curious is how far this could possible reach. A bird in hand is better than two in the bush... will that statement become an ironic koan for when the bottom becomes less murky. The keen fine line in the tale is the portion of the side stories that are increasing as everyone has time to wait around. The comparrisons abound to Clinton, Reagan and Nixon.

Additionally, the speculation of the minipulation of intelligence data is a more serious thing. Or at least the cutting off of the spigot drips of conspiracy.

Does VP Richard Cheney deserve to be brought up on counts of treason? I think that is the relevant question. Did he knowningly drag America into a battle for something that he felt was left undone in the 1990's?

Because this is too unbelievable and since we life in a post-Enron world and since the Who gave us the anthem Won't Be Fooled Again, we need to keep oil profits in mind. I wrote down in a notebook back in early 2000, who is going to benefit from these guys?

The question of the moral obiligation seems to be moot now, no matter how hard we try to express it. Have we become a safer community because of these steps?

There is a fair amount of talk as well as to clearing out the White House... but does Bush deserve culpability? If the buck stops there, can we quickly denounce Libby, Rove and Cheney and not mention Bush as a co-conspiritor? I saw VP Cheney speak on the campaign trail in 2000 at a VFW. Surprisingly enough I got through the screening. He talked at great length about the position of the military. He indicated that starting in the G.H.W. Bush years that the military supremacy started to decline for the United States. He went on to talk about the threats of Iraq and the desire to regain the natural resources that we were being kept away from. During Gulf War I, I was working for Mobil Oil, most of the oil I handled came from Iraq. Everyone in the industry took a huge hit from that endeneavor. I say this because to me that establishes motive.

That is what has disturbed me about the whole affair. It bothers me that we were not upset about Iraq using VX on their own people back then. It bothers me that we didn't talk too much about the Anthrax that we gave them. (Who was the Anthrax killer anyway?) It bothers me that no one really mentioned that the "No Fly Zones" had pretty much left the country unable to defend itself and people believed that Iraq could launch an intercontinental ballistic missle at the United States. That is mind blowing to me. Why didn't we do it then? When we might have been recieved as liberators instead of occupiers!!

All we really did was take the neighborhood whimp out to the woods and kick the crap out of him. We can not continue to think of Iraq as Saddam Hussien incarnate. We have to look at this situation as a race of people who we had left devestated for ten years and came back to finish the job. That is a complete generation that has no idea or clear eyed view to the past.

Did this group of men have every intention before 9/11/01 to go to war in Iraq? If they did; is a criminal offense in the American Way?

There is positive news out there for this experiment. I will start to research it and report on it soon. I believe the folks we have over there do deserve credit for what they do that is positive. I also believe that it is glaring in the face of what is happening now in the political climate.

And before I say good night my friends... I have one last comment to make to John Kerry, SHUT UP Bone head!! Quoting or listening to him is like that scene in Billy Madison, after he talks about the Industrial Revolution. Bob Graham come out of hiding... forget about the notebook thing, you are the only one who said anything close to common sense.

Congratulations to the Chicago White Socks

Shoeless Joe can now go to Heaven!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

No One I think is in my Tree

I’m gonna put out an APB on Stansfield!! Where is the old boy? Has anybody seen him?

I hope I haven’t driven him away with my rowdy behavior here. We must make an appeal to him and tell him we need his counter weight!!


make up your best Brando voice for that by the way….

He may be waiting for the indictments to come down and share in my grief that the cynics or the apologists will win this one. I gave a surly warning when the Repubs got complete control. I said what everybody says to me, “Don’t Screw It Up!”

Tha’s a question to ask of yourselves if you think they have. The questions are large and have gravity. Conspirators will deepen all the motives and we will live with the consequences. But Exxon/Mobil I think is going to report $8 Billion and change for profit. The largest profit ever recorded for a company. Whew! I was worried they weren’t gonna make their quota. Yet, here we are. I just look forward to my liquid propane bill this winter. I want to help the old boys out.

It is tremendous that the possibilities that lay behind tested walls this week could develop into a big thud. That is true. What remains from that echo if it be? Perhaps nothing more than a few white lies come from this. Nietzsche said that lying is belief in a good cause. If that is the case; So Be It? Ah, Bill, what would you say?

The profundity of the lie will remain like that fabled mushroom cloud of yore. I think in a sublime sense it will. The public will take to the comments and will be forgiving, but as Georgie boy so eloquently put, “fool me once, shame on me… fool me twice, shame on you.” Yeah, that’s how it goes George. It’s the steadfast relationship with the public that matters when you are interested in taking a chance on something new. That political capital, as it were, I think will be spent and disabled. Sure, Karl Rove will survive with a brand new honor. Scooter Libby will probably be the worst casualty. But does that explain over 2000 American servicemen? Does that undo the tens of thousand civilians that have perished? Does that undo, Bin Laden resting comfortably in Saudi Arabia? I do not believe it does, but I am willing to see some results.

A ratification of a Constitution; that is a positive step. It even seems real on the surface. The public of Iraq needs something to hang its hat on. I commend the folks for pulling it through. I can only hope it eases the call for civil war. I hope it puts the insurgency on notice as well. We need to start gaining the trust of the public for it to survive. I question our tenacity in that.

I have a few links that have information that clarifies what the establishment is thinking.

I also have a lest we forget segment for the other reasons we are there.

So, Stansfield, wherefore art thou Stansfield? What light thru yonder window breaks?

Please, take a look into these links. And Mr. Director of the CIA if you are indeed reading, leave an obscene comment.

Lest we forget.


