Friday, May 05, 2006

God Bless the Child

…was playing when I sat down… a sweet instrumental version… I could sit and listen all night.

Rarely in this moment anymore do I find myself in this position to write. Many moons ago when I was just a little boy I would sit on a Friday night; get drunk and listen to sweet music and write. Some of those moments I wish I could forget; yet some of those moments I hope I always remember.

And I think the only way you can understand that is if you can catch that bitter allusion to the sea…

I wrote some of my greatest pieces on these nights; I can still remember the words falling off of my pen onto my notebook as cliché as that sounds. I remember the music I was listening to… I have been talking about one of them the last few days that went from ‘That’s All Right Momma’ to the Grateful Dead ‘Promise Land’. That was one wicked solitary night over eleven years ago. …with few exceptions one of my best poetic nights. I still can quote lines older than that back to myself…

through embers and ambers/through darkness thick and thin/we are always what we dreamed not…

That line is some eighteen years old… and I remember as clear as day when I wrote it. I also wrote once that I would come to a day of recollection and dismissal… go gently into that goodnight…

I’m cross between stepping into the character of Billy Shears, the Sad Cowboy, the wounded lord living by the sea… or something less promising…myself.

For what ever reason, I have been struck with remembrance these last several weeks. I have many reasons and none of them make sense…conversationally or epitome. In a few days I recognize one of the saddest days of my life. A great influence and friend took his life several years ago. I miss him in ways I am sure he didn’t imagine and yes I wonder…

More than anything this year I want to say good bye. I’m not going to forget but I’m letting go. I’m not putting out any blame. I’m sad and sorry that it turned out the way that it did…Old buddy…it is just one thing I will never understand. I just know that you would have enjoyed what was playing when I sat down tonight in front of the computer. And for the heck of it…

… babies crying pork chops and beaujolais

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


From: The Lady From Shanghia

(Orson Wells) Michael O’Hara

Once, off the hump of Brazil I saw the ocean so darkened with blood it was black and the sun fainting away over the lip of the sky.We'd put in at Fortaleza, and a few of us had lines out for a bit of idle fishing. It was me had the first strike. A shark it was. Then there was another, and another shark again, 'till all about, the sea was made of sharks and more sharks still, and no water at all. My shark had torn himself from the hook, and the scent, or maybe the stain it was, and him bleeding his life away drove the rest of them mad. Then the beasts to to eating each other.In their frenzy, they ate at themselves.You could feel the lust of murder like a wind stinging your eyes, and you could smell the death, reeking up out of the sea. I never saw anything worse... until this little picnic tonight.And you know, there wasn't one of them sharks in the whole crazy pack that survived.

And then there is Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus falls in love with Pandora. Sharks and the lack of foresight… hmm. I am not drawing a parallel ~ really.

There are two big issues that loom greater than the bird flu or the trial of a wanna be terrorist and immigration. No one remembers that there was a story several years ago in the paper when a militant Islamic leader was convicted in NYC; Afghanistan said they would seek revenge. Someone commented on the radio like that would be a fart in a windstorm. I don’t need to remind anyone how that turned out.

Still, underneath the tragedy of that day the customs of our free market economy still ravages a mighty appetite on the liver of the American Citizen. For the same reason I can not go into a Blockbuster in my town and pick up Orson Wells’ The Lady From Shanghai, we are paying over $2.50 a gallon. We have gotten too big to be accountable.

Al Gore sits back with a bag of Levi Garrett in his windmill climate control home in Tennessee and fills the spittoon with a shit eating grin while behind him TR’s scowl remains. Is America Forsaken??

The big idea is that even if we wanted to; there ain’t much we can do about the oil issue. Exxon/Mobil and all the other oil companies have a brutal grip on our throats. Bush told these companies not to follow the clean air act; something that wasn’t being enforced anyway. This crisis is a direct parallel to the California Enron fun we had. Yes; those guys got busted and a lot of people got rich and no one got paid back. I believe this crisis is not what it is cracked up to be; just a plan to ratchet up the profit at a time of National Fear and Need.

Here is a good example of what is behind the curtain.

The other big idea is Iran. My last link from the previous post is a good example of the thought of what we would be up against and in my opinion is underestimating our rival. The same way we underestimated our wayward brothers in Iraq. (Aren’t they now our Brothers??)

Here is an easy link to the Defense Link to see the militia we are gathering and building for Iran.

It may not happen; but I assuredly believe that the MSM and the public needs to pull its head out of its proverbial … and start acting like we are interested in the future of our country. I believe that as soon as we start dropping bombs on Iran; we will be hit in our soft underbelly. Iran will be our chasing the Russians back to Moscow in winter.

Most of what I have seen lately has been hogwash. You can probably detect a little angst in the penmanship… I agree and I don’t like it either. I leave respect for the moral middle and the silent majority if you really exist. I hope that you do and will be willing to join the fight soon.

I implore you to stay in touch and to listen keenly to what you are being told. Lies, damn lies, and statistics… be warned.

- more later